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Yellowstone Supervolcano Larger Than First Thought 451

drewtheman writes "New studies of the plumbing that feeds the Yellowstone supervolcano in Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park shows the plume and the magma chamber under the volcano are larger than first thought and contradicts claims that only shallow hot rock exists. University of Utah research professor of geophysics Robert Smith led four separate studies that verify a plume of hot and molten rock at least 410 miles deep that rises at an angle from the northwest."

Comment Polish (Score 1) 374

IMHO the "polish" gap is narrowing rapidly. I use Fedora with KDE4 for my primary personal desktop, and feel the latest release (12) was every bit as usable and "polished" as the Windows 7 beta I tested a few months back, perhaps more so in some ways. And if you factor in ease of installation and out-of-the-box utility, Fedora has beaten current versions of Windows hands-down for the last several releases. Please note: I haven't paid for a retail version of Windows in many, many moons, so I have no idea if the final version of 7 has more "polish" than the beta.

Comment Re:Interesting post, but... (Score 1) 703

Who says you need to pay back the investors? Historically, initial space ventures are funded by governments, not private entities whose means are far too limited. For the most part, governemts employ deficit financing. Bonds are issued to fund expenditures which exceed current revenue, and interest is paid in future years, sometimes by future generations. The real payback from space exploration comes in the form of technological innovation. Look at the myriad of new tech spawned by the last space race.

Comment Re:Not so happy when the shoe is on the other foot (Score 1) 847

It is where I work, company policy is very invasive. For example, because I drive a company vehicle, I'm required to report any accidents or traffic violations in which I'm involved, including those which occur off-duty in my personal vehicle. Employees failing to disclose such incidents are subject to discipline, up to and including termination. There is no freedom when you work for the private sector.

Comment After 19 Years... (Score 3, Insightful) 1146

I married my favorite geek 19 years ago, and here are a few of the things I've learned:

Be considerate.
Shut up and listen when she wants to talk.
Respect her opinion.
She's smarter than you are, get over it.
It's more important to be friends than lovers (sex is fun, but no foundation for a marriage).
Give her the remote before you fall asleep.
If she prefers Windows (or a Mac or a different Linux distro), let it go.
Very few things are important enough to argue with your spouse about.
Money is the biggest marital stressor, to avoid this, live well within your means.
Settle disagreements quickly.
Even geeky girls like tasteful jewelry.
Make time to take her out on a date at least once a week.
Don't be an insensitive clod.

Comment Re:Overkill... (Score 1) 524

Most contractors want to do the job right, but disputes can arise, especially when there are no written specifications. What were the terms of the contract, did it include cable specs? If you spell it out up front and the contractor provides the wrong material, installs it incorrectly, etc., they have to fix it or you don't have to pay because they failed to satisfy the terms of the contract. Wait, let me guess... you already paid them? Prior to acceptance? Wait, let me guess again... you didn't perform a formal acceptance? Well how stupid is that! Guess this one's on you.

Comment Re:You can't have your cake and eat it too. (Score 1) 236

Oh trust me, the OP was correct. I've been calling them "Interruptible Power Supply" for years. There isn't a UPS made that can even come close to the reliability of a DC system with multiple rectifiers, battery strings and distribution paths on a common bus. The Telecom industry has been the using this setup for a century, and it routinely exceeds five nines of reliability. I still don't understand why the data center world hasn't embraced this technology wholesale, given the nearly universal availability of switchmode DC/DC converters. The added complexities involved in inverters and paralleling of AC sources are the UPS systems' Achilles heel. A DC/DC system with batteries would mesh nicely with wind and/or solar generators for third-world applications.

Internet Co-inventor Vint Cerf Endorses Obama 713

SEAActionFund writes "Vint Cerf, Google's Chief Internet Evangelist who also happens to be credited with co-founding the Internet, submitted a video to our AVoteforScience YouTube challenge. In it he discusses the importance of net neutrality and endorses Barack Obama specifically because he supports net neutrality (John McCain does not.) The AVoteForScience challenge calls upon scientists to upload videos to YouTube explaining who they are voting for and why. The first two videos were by Cerf and the 2008 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry Marty Chalfie. Any Slashdotters game for explaining who they are voting for and why?" Still waiting for one of the campaigns to ask for my endorsement, which is totally available to whichever campaign offers me the better cabinet seat.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
