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Comment Re:Longstanding multiple monitor issues not fixed (Score 2) 455

You know, I'm fairly sure thats not what those bugs say.

Mark says they won't fix the issue that you can't move the panel to the other side or bottom of the screen. Honestly it's down to you whether you feel this is a good or a bad thing.

The multiple monitor bug is something entirely different whereby X is putting the panel on a specific (possibly wrong) monitor due to underlying code issues. Mark has NOT said they won't fix this, in fact he's not weighed in on it. Again, YMMV on whether you believe they're doing enough about it.

But really, he hasn't said they won't fix the second bug, which is the one you're referring to, and conflating with the first bug.

Comment Re:so let me get this right... (Score 2) 378

Not so sure about that, I think they're more untested. What is interesting is there's a part in UK consumer law, that would take an act of parliment to change, that basically says "You cannot sign away your statutory consumer rights. Not now, not ever. No rule or contract, however phrased, trumps your basic rights as a consumer."

it's even an essential part of most T&C's in the UK "Your statutory rights are not affected."

Comment Re:Keep Calm and Carry On (Score 2) 804

What was also interesting about the IRA thing was just how much funding from various irish interest groups in the US basically dried up after 9/11, as people in said interest groups suddenly had it brought home to them just what the money that was "supporting the cause" was going towards. To be blunt about it, the message that "Terrorism is not big and clever, it's unpleasant and nastyt" was beaten into the US in the worst possible fashion. The fact that all those new laws about funding terror and so forth also covered the relevant groups only helped hasten that drying up. All of a sudden, passing the hat round in the bar to "help our boys win the struggle" was not only in exceedingly poor taste, it was also on the list of things they'd stick you in Guantanamo for.

That said, in terms of the anniversary, I have only one thing to say, as spoken by those two wise prophets, Bill S. Preston, Esquire, and Ted "Theodore" Logan. Words, that if you strip out the comic hyperbole, make a huge amount of sense.

"Be excellent to each other."

Comment Re:Simplicity of a MUD and a 2496 Baud Modem (Score 1) 111

"The alternative was arguably even worse -- stories that were more interactive and interesting, yet full of people who wanted to RP every breath they took, with no actual game involved. You want to actually kill a monster? You want to gain a level?! Powergamer! Ban him!"

Sounds suspiciously like the roleplaying servers that people set up for NWN. The ones that think that in order to have proper rp and immersion, you need glacially slow levelling and miniscual amounts of magic.

Comment Re:Terry should look at these treatments (Score 5, Informative) 838

PTerry already does a huge amount for Alzheimers projects. He doesn't expect the fix to come in before it's too late for him, and so he's making his plans and raising a stink about the issues while he still can.

As for "he should look at these examples," he's already keeping abreast of everything that's going on in this field. In fact, right at the beginning of all this, he asked all the n-thousand people who would write to him going "have you tried X, Y or Z" option to please not do so, unless they were a neurosurgeon or brain expert, to keep the clutter down and the signal-to-noise ratio up.

Amusingly, a disproportionate number of top-flight experts in these areas are fans. He effectively has a whole bunch of experts who keep him aware of the state of play.

Put simply, he's doing everything he can in his position, including laying the ground work in the event it's not quick enough.

Comment Re:Constitutional Amendment 28 (Score 1) 282

So obviously, when the next company asks for a reference from your previous employer, you're going to have to say "No, sorry, can't give you that as they'll know where I'm working."

Most companies over here won't even let you through to an interview without having at least the name to talk to for a reference from your previous employer (assuming you have one.)

Comment Re:Oracle Lost (Score 3, Interesting) 219

To be fair, one of the things the Libreoffice peeps have done is started going to town on the "this is awful/redundant code, can you help us rewrite it" thing, complete with one of the nicest ideas I've seen,

Basically, a list of stuff that needs doing, but they don't necessarily have time for, but is easy enough that a beginner/lower level coder can do the grunt work. Eases people into working with a big project.


Old Media Says Google Will Destroy Film & Music 336

SirWinston writes "A Daily Mail editor has written perhaps the most Luddite attack on Google ever, reading just like a 19th-century manifesto against looms and factories. 'Google has become a global predator ruthlessly gobbling up potential rivals such as YouTube and 'stealing' the creative work of writers, film makers and the music industry... Google has granted these piracy sites a licence to steal... It undermines investment in the very creative industries that have become such an important part of our national prosperity, and employ hundreds of thousands of people.' The article lionizes brick-and-mortar business and traditional media, and reads as a funny anachronism--except that these may be the attitudes of European regulators now shaking down Google and new media."

Comment Wonder what the reaction will be... (Score 1) 470

What will be interesting to see is if Sony (who have already tried to fast-talk the court into allowing discovery on paypal donors/blog commenters and youtube video watchers) decide that they want to find out the names and addresses of everyone who pays to support geohot, and then try and bring them into the whole show to try and show that he's soliciting pay for his alleged activities.

They already tried to got a court order to wipe this info from the entire internet (until hotz's counsel told the judge how impossible that was) so at this stage, I wouldn't bet against a "asking for donations for your defense is the same as asking for pay for your infringement" argument. Unless there's a strong precedent that this doesn't apply (something some of our american friends would know better than me.)

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