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Comment Re:But they eat *Whole Foods*! (Score 1) 114

Most part-timers are either young and still on their parents' health insurance, or 2nd earners who can be included on their spouses plan.

When my company switched from 100% company funded insurance, to 80% coverage (with the employee paying 20%) nearly half of the under-25 employees cancelled their coverage. They were covered elsewhere, or just didn't expect to get sick.

Amazon was being overly generous to people that mostly didn't need or appreciate it.

If they want to improve retention of part-timers, they should raise their pay instead. Everybody appreciates that.

Yes, the ACA says that they can stay on their parents' plan until 26, so that made sense. But the current administration is trying as hard as it can to end that.

Comment Re:Depending on the contract (Score 1) 63

Or they did and then the people who signed it decided they didn't want to own up to authorizing burglary.

Burglary is specifically the unauthorized breaking in and stealing property. You can't have "authorized unauthorized breaking and entering"

Either it was authorized and by definition not burglary, or, it wasn't properly authorized at all and by definition there was no authorizing of anything.

Perhaps not, but you could certainly have unauthorized authorized burglary, where the "authorizing" party wasn't itself authorized to do so. Is it then technically or legally burglary? It would definitely be a mess in any case.

Comment Re: Cool (Score 2) 57

Obama didn't provide arms to ISIS, of course. Not directly or intentionally, anyway. The US gave arms to the non-ISIS Syrian rebels but some of them wound up in the hands of ISIS. So, similar to when Reagan armed the Afghan resistance against Russia, only to have bin Laden and the Taliban get a lot of it.

Comment Re: wTF only $200,000 (Score 4, Informative) 111

According to https://inflationdata.com/, the CPI was in 207.342 in 2007 and 245.120 in 2017; that's an 18.22% increase over those 10 years, not the 100% you are claiming.

Late 1971 is 40.900 and late 2018 is 252.885, a multiplier of 6.175, making $200,000 then worth $1,235,000 today.

Comment Re:Here is an actual quiz from my bank (Score 1) 158

Yes, that is data they have gleaned from your credit reports, and they are asking you to verify whether you are who you say you are. They already have the correct answers.

These are totally unrelated to security questions for which the user provides the answers, in order to secure account logins.

As others have noted, "they have the correct answers" is not always the case; that assumes there are no errors on your credit reports.

I tried to open an online banking account once, and had to answer these sorts of questions over the phone. I failed because I couldn't answer enough of the questions to their satisfaction. I later realized the problem: A few years earlier I'd been conflated with someone else by one CR agency, apparently because that person had my SSN on one of his utility accounts. With extreme difficulty, I got the CR to correct that. But I realized that the troublesome questions were based on info about that other person; so then I was able to call the bank again and pass their test.

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