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Comment Re:Strange Interpretation of the U.S. Constitution (Score 1) 412

Telling our representatives in Congress won't do anything, unless of course we can get some money together and pay them. We could gather money together for a lobby of the people. Then, pay Congress people by taking them out to lunch and discussing what we need. It seems to be the only way our "Elected" officials actually do anything these days.

Comment Re:No more "Fair Use" law? (Score 1) 287

I wasn't aware of the counterclaim provision. Thanks.

My original point still stands. Until there are some repercussions for RIAA and others to issue DMCA, it is still going to take time and money for VALID uses of Fair Use.

From what I understand, RIAA has never liked the Fair Use provisions, and have tried on numerous occasions to get those abolished. It seems if they can use DMCA take downs each time for valid Fair Use it could become a problem.

Comment Re:No more "Fair Use" law? (Score 3, Interesting) 287

I am sure you can take it to court, and they will side with you. The problem is, it is so easy for them to claim DMCA against a site, have it taken down. You then have to go through costly litigation to prove you were right in the first place.

Now if the courts allow for you to turn around and charge for the number of people that would have seen your item if they hadn't used DMCA, now THAT would be interesting to see.

Comment Re:I don't get it. It beat the Xeons?? (Score 1) 235

I believe it was AMD that came out with a working 64-bit processor release about the time EVERYONE was saying there was not a need. Intel ended up playing catch up. This is a brand new architecture. It is pretty cool that they are putting so many processors in how much watts? For server farms and such, cool is where you want to be. I believe to really see a comparison we need to see how much watts were used running several virtual systems doing calculations etc.

Comment Re:More Flash? (Score 1) 399

Yes, most DRM can be hacked in a matter of seconds or minutes or hours, depending on the DRM. Yes, if the format is put out in DRM, it will probably still end up on P2P sites. The problem is content owners want the "IMPRESSION" they are being secure with their content. It doesn't matter if the DRM is hacked after they send it out, at least they have given the appearance of trying to protect the content. Also, if they get into trouble with Shareholders, etc, they can then turn around and blame the DRM provider.

Comment Capitalism means.... (Score 1) 275

I am supposed to be able to change to something that makes sense to me. Spend my money on what I believe in. Can I get out of a 2 year contract if they do something I don't agree with? Without paying the $400 or so? If they change the rules after the contract, then I should be able to. Next, what options do I have to move to? If they have received tax breaks of any type, then they should not be able to limit certain sites based on extortion fees.

Comment Re:History Repeating Itself (Score 3, Informative) 341

Actually, the reason the Microsoft J++ issue was a case is because Microsoft signed contracts to license Java. The contract stated they could not create incompatible java releases, they had to follow the Sun Java template. Microsoft broke the contract drastically in key areas of Java. That case is nothing like this case. There was no contract with Google to make a java instance.

Comment In my experience... (Score 1) 453

Most people in Computer Arts that are truly gifted, tend to not do a typical interview very well. If you ask simple questions that EVERYONE should know, they tend to fail miserably. Why? Because they do things so much they don't have to think about these things EVERYONE knows.

What I tend to do is get someone talking about what they like to do most in Computers. Someone that is truly into computers, love to do side projects, and love to solve problems.
Ask them what computer system they have at home. If they just say, I have a dell. More than likely, they are not THAT into Computers as an art. If they go into detail of what ram, etc. then they probably like to dig into things a bit.
Ask them about what they do on the side. If they talk about getting into various open source projects. Most Computer art people tend to talk excitedly about different projects they worked on and how they solved the problems they ran into.
Finding truly gifted Computer Art people is usually different than finding people in other departments.
The Media

Linux Action Show Returns 61

BJ writes "The Linux Action Show, the Linux-podcast to end all Linux-podcasts, is returning with their 11th season after over 7 months off the air. Kicking it all off with a live streaming event this Saturday at 5pm. Topics are set to include: Maemo/Moblin merging into Meego, Open Source Nividia drivers with 3D, KDE 4.4 and much, much more."

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