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Comment Re:Safe guns (Score 1) 1013

Very few Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines will handle a weapon on a daily basis. In a home-station environment, you will have the base security people (maybe 200 people at any one time) actually carrying a loaded weapon. You may have another 100 or so training with dummy/unloaded/blank-modified weapons each week.

The thing that no one ever wants to talk about is that the US Military is just a sample of lower-income Americans. We have thieves, rapists, alcoholics (oh god at the alcoholics), drug addicts, murderers, etc. We keep things locked up because we know we are crazy. Or at least we suspect the next guy is...

Oh, WRT psych evals, there are some, but not nearly enough. Recruiters and basic trainers want to meet quotas. It's in their best interest to pass as many through as possible. Once a (possibly crazy) troop arrives at their post, they are usually kept in-line or hidden by their front-line supervisors. It sometimes seems like the quickest way to get rid of a bad seed is just to wait for their enlistment to end...

Comment Re:Bullshit. (Score 1) 164

A123 had other problems as well. The batteries they produced were worse than other Lithium batteries in almost every way. Heavier, lower energy density, fewer cycles, etc... Their only advantages was that they could be charged quickly and they kinda resembled (but weren't interchangable) batteries people were used to seeing at the supermarket.

As LiPo batteries evolved, they were able to charge more quickly and their energy density has gone through the roof.

Comment Re:Drones? (Score 5, Informative) 219

Combined Air Operations Center. They'll know. One agency monitoring everything including, but not limited to, commercial airliners, military flights, private planes, U(C)AVs, and even (in some cases) model airplanes and rockets.

Now, as to if the CAOC would tell Reuters anything other than the time of day, that's anyone's guess.

Comment Re:Why not fix it immediately? (Score 2) 73

>>the developer releases a general security update that applies to everyone, you'd be fine with your host disabling essentially your entire site until you fixed it?

It all depends on the TOS from the host. Maybe the host declares that they disable clients that are contributing to (or may contribute to) network abuse. Unpatched machines will get compromised and become launchpads for attacks on others.

>>And if you're on vacation for a week or two when it happens? What then?

Would you rather come back from vacation to a disabled but uncompromised site, or to a enabled but compromised site? For the first case, you'd need to apply the updates and then restart the server. For the second case, you'd need to scrub the machine, re-install all your software and customizations, then restore your databases and content directories from backup.

>>I rather like the fact that the stuff I run can essentially sustain itself in my absence.

The point is, it can't. You can't secure a box and walk away for days/weeks/months. You need to be actively maintaining your servers.

Comment Re:Computer needed to change headlamp on 07 Dodge (Score 2) 238

All you need to do is pull the negative battery cable and the onboard systems will reset. You'll lose the radio programming, and any other onboard counters (like oil or tire pressure) will be reset.

It's a PITA, but we've been doing that on oil changes for decades now. If you change your own oil, you'll need to swing by Advance or Autozone (or NAPA for their "know how") to get the "Maint Reqd" light to go off.

Or just pull the battery cables.

Comment Re:No, it'll just be an OPTION (Score 5, Insightful) 650

I don't think that will be an option for a *long* time. As it stands now, if you are close to your car (and have your keys on you) you can be charged with DUI/DWI. The cops argue that you are technically in-control of your car any time you are near it.

I've seen two DUI busts while people were sitting in a non-running car listening to music. I've seen one for someone who went to get something out of the car without ever sitting inside or turning the ignition.

And as long as we have MADD, it'll be hard to change. They will always come back with "what ifs" and TOTC and lawmakers will roll over.

Comment Re:Would the limbs have ever worked? (Score 1) 124

That's mostly controlled by muscles/tendons in the forearm. They mention some nerve repair, but I doubt they really mean it in the way we think they mean it.

If this had worked, he'd have been exactly as bad off as before. He would have just looked *slightly* more normal and been a *much* greater burden on his caregivers.

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