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Comment Re:TSA, terrorism, gun control, and mass shootings (Score 1) 354

There is no border between a retarded state like Texas and a sane one like New York

You mean the same sane state that says you can't buy anything larger than a 16oz soda?

or that restaurants can't put salt on the table?

or that bans food donations to homeless shelters because they cannot asses the salt content?

Sounds really sane to me.

Comment Re:Buy Amazon Prime. (Score 0) 330

I'm not judging the quality of the shows that you watched, but if you added up all the time you spent watching TV shows you would see that you "wasted" lots of hours when you could have been starting a new businesses, working a second job, or something that that could have instead added up to thousands of dollars in your pocket. So in a way, yes, you wasted all that time and have nothing to show for it.

Comment No color? (Score 1) 282

Did anyone else notice that all the pictures were in Black and White? Why no color? It makes everything look so gloomy and boring. We need to show these visitors the beauty of nature in it full color glory. Maybe they did this on purpose so that the visitors would think that we were too boring to take over.

Comment Re:use the Naquadria drive (Score 2) 867

"Given the choice between a life of work here on Earth or a life wandering among the stars and exploring other worlds, I'd choose space" Of course you wouldn't have to work to pay for repairs your ship, or for fuel, or even food and clothes for your family. It would be a dream come true, you would meet friendly races along the way that would just give you everything you wanted for free.

Comment Re:70 percent of income consumers make (Score 1) 276

Which came first, The high prices for games, or Gamestop. From what I see, the only reason Gamestop exists is to fill a need in the market. If the Game developers wanted Gamestop to cease to exist, all they have to do is lower the price of there games to the point where reselling them is pointless.

Personally I don't buy games until they have been out for a year or two so that the price comes down to about $10, then I keep the game forever. If new games only cost $20 I think Gamespot would find it very hard to stay in business because the resale value of games would be greatly diminished. I really don't think many gamers would trade in a game for $5. However when games cost $70 and you can recover $50, trading in a game is a lot more interesting.

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