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Comment Doubt it's SATA cable interference (Score 2, Interesting) 827

I doubt that interference from the SATA cable is an issue as some have suggested, since anyone half-serious about PC audio that’s using a PCI SoundBlaster should be slapped. It’s not expensive to get a decent, high-bitrate sound interface that operates via USB, FireWire, or a PCI interface that lets you put the analog guts halfway across the room from your noisy computer. Yes, PCs put out a bunch of EMI, but the CPU and video card are much worse culprits than an SATA cable ever could hope to be. I don’t claim to be an “audiophile” (for obvious reasons) but I do produce music and own a 10000 watt concert system, and have been paying attention for many years to what REALLY makes a difference in sound.

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