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Comment Re:How about academic publishers die? (Score 1) 46

Absolutely, I don't even mind letting the professors make money on the book, or the departments, colleges and universities. The mark up the publishers make on each and every books is so So SO great that even with a little money going to the academic source, would still mean great savings to students.

Comment Re:And they say... (Score 1) 49

What really happens is they are saddle with tonnes of regulations (Safety-Sh*t Mostly), and constantly changing expectation and requirements from Congress and the President. Add the politicization of the agency so now there are more Admins/Managers then Engineers. But wait there is more: the fact that they can't (READ: CAN NOT) hold their contractor to timelines, deadlines, or even what the final product is, while still having to pay for overruns, redesigns and mistakes. ( I can see Lockheed running to their favorite bought-and-paid-for congressman now: "Big mean NASA wants us to deliver what we promised and what we were paid for, wah wah.") NASA is far too valuable a resource to let Congress and the President have any say over it.

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