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Comment Re:Sounds exactly like... (Score 1) 24

I think you have that arse about face. Games are tailored to the capabilities of what the hardware can do. The NES' gimmick was fast hardware scrolling and sprites. Platform games benefit from that, but you can hardly claim Zelda 1 was a platform game, nor things like Punchout. The SNES's gimmick was better graphics and sound and the famous mode 7 scaling and rotation. They looked for games they could develop to show that off, and that's why F-Zero was a launch title, and Mario Kart began life as a multiplayer version of F-Zero.

New consoles are released when there's something worthwhile about them that the company feels will make you buy a new one. Be it better graphics, better controls, bigger games, or simply an anticipated game they've held back to only release on a newer system. If they can eeek those improvements out over more systems, they will so they can sell you more things.

Comment Re:Google (Score 1) 177

You seem to have accidentally omitted all the work between 4.01 and 5 which went into XHTML, which was far better than HTML5, IMHO. Crappy FEDs whining that they'll have to close their tags and generally do things properly led to HTML5, not lethargy by the W3C. HTML had support for all that multimedia by using a generic object tag.

Comment Wouldn't it all be so much easier... (Score 3, Interesting) 142

...if copyrights only lasted a sane amount of time, say, 10 years or so, with a couple of optional 10 year extensions. Then the long tail of potential rights holders in a given work would dramatically reduce, making systems such as this much more feasible to manage.

Comment So they remove features people use... (Score 4, Insightful) 101

...for bloat like this? Seriously?

What the hell is wrong with the Mozilla Foundation? Just focus on making a minimal, high-quality, open source browser. That's it. that's literally all you need to do. That's why we have rich extension mechanisms, right? So people/companies can build and add-on whatever gubbins they like without wasting core resources building and maintaining it.

I despair sometimes, I really do.

Comment I use live bookmarks daily (Score 1) 131

I have feeds on my FF toolbar that show me the latest articles and I click them if one interests me. I can do it with just a single click and a wave of the mouse rather than firing up some external program. Unless they've fixed up the webextensions RSS feeds so you can have a separate button per feed (and no, having separate extensions per feed is NOT sufficient) that also generate a menu showing each item, it's not a good enough replacement, IMHO.

Comment Re:A very good more basic question (Score 3, Interesting) 723

One important factor you've neglected to factor in is the cost of administering the current means-tested systems. You have to:
a) have rules
b) enforce those rules
c) maintain those rules as loopholes and variables change ...all of which cost money as well. Give everyone a flat amount that's enough to live on and you don't need the legions of mandarins and all the associated resources (buildings, pensions, consumables, etc) administering the system.

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