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Comment Re:Branding (Score 1) 192

The Apple Magic Trackpad would have been a better choice at $129, because it offers Force Touch technology, which means that when you desperately push hard at the top of the pad while screaming "GO UP! GO UP!!!!!" it could tell the display to pop up a window that says "System Malfunction. Please contact administrator".

Comment SSD swap is feasible - Article updated (Score 5, Informative) 204

macrumors article updated:

Update: The Mac Studio requires an IPSW restore after changing its SSD modules to ensure that they are readable and able to boot. Running a Device Firmware Update (DFU) restore using the macOS IPSW package for the Mac Studio should enable the machine to boot from a different SSD, providing that both of the modules are of the same size and make, meaning that storage upgrades still appear to be feasible.

Comment Re:US laws (Score 3, Interesting) 99

It is true that mere data is not copyrightable, but for map makers, representing that data is creative expression. Font choice/size, line types, size and map colors etc are all creative works that the map maker uses to make the data useful. Thus maps are copyrightable, but the underlying data is not.

Comment Title is wrong (Score 1, Insightful) 143

The title seems to say that I, as a US taxpayer, had to *pay* for these movies somehow. That is simply not true. What I have to pay in taxes is not affected in anyway by how anyone else either pays or dosn't pay their taxes, our tax code is simply not written like that. It's not like the IRS says "well we are missing 5 billion from ViacomCBS, so you'll need to kick in an extra 10k to cover it" No that's not how it works at all, it's flat out wrong to even suggest that.

How much money the government spends and how much it takes in revenue is completely divorced and neither have any kind of bearing on the other. Just look at the current US debt and each spending bill that comes up. No one cares one bit if the government spending can actually be covered by tax revenue.

Comment Re:Easy to track (Score 1) 125

You can "launder" your crypto currency by transferring it to a cryto-exchange "hot-wallet", then to another wallet. From the outside, all you see is wallet1 to cryto-exchange-wallet. then crypto-exchange-wallet to wallet2. But since all the crypto is fungible, there is no way to prove or track the coins from wallet1 made to wallet2.

It could be anyone who has an account with the crypto-exchange transferring coins to wallet2, there is no way to find out unless you can peer inside the crypto-exchange internal records.... if the crypto-exchange even keeps those records...

You could also wash the coins through several exchanges making the tracking even more difficult.

Comment Re:Close the loophole but what kind of argument... (Score 3, Insightful) 305

Calm down with the vitrol. I think chispito really meant to say: "Does an emploer really owe something *more* to society for hiring people and paything them wages?"

The employer is already providing society a great benefit by hiring people and paying them wages, the employer does this by taking on a substantial amount of risk for the chance to earn some kind of profit. The employee, on the other hand, takes on relatively minimal amount of risk, accepting the job, doing the work and getting paid regularly.

Our whole society is built on this employer/employee relationship, and to tip the scales one way or the other with regulations will often lead to unintended outcomes because people will naturally do what is best for them, not for you.

Comment Re:Basic math, anyone? (Score 1) 25

You contradict yourself. You have a low UID, you *know* this is slashdot, and you still *expect* the editors to do math?

To put it into contemporary context: You expect, without evidence, that the so-called editors should be able to do basic arithmetic.

Comment Re:Unelected technocrats vs. voters (Score 1) 530

This is simply not true. Can twitter block LGBTQ's? Christians? Muslims? blacks? Latinos?

No they cannot, so you cannot say "for any reason including made-up reasons and no reason"

Businesses, privately owned, or publicly owned similarly cannot just deny services to who ever they way (right or wrong). A bakery was forced to decorate a cake.

In addition, Trump was blocked by law from blocking people from following him, and now Twitter can just jump in a block everyone from Trump's twitter, that gives Jack Dorsey more power than the president.

Comment Show country of origin (Score 1) 86

I would like Amazon to just show country of origin or manufacture as basic item information. It's required on the packaging and item, and if you were to buy it at a brick and motor store you can easily find that information. For some reason on amazon, they don't list that basic required information. Why?

Submission + - Facebook Tries to Stop NYU Research project on political ad targeting ( 1

agent_blue writes: Facebook is demanding that NYU cease and desist using a chrome and firefox plugin NYU developed called "Ad Observer" which enabled researchers to track what political ads are shown to Facebook book users. Facebook states that "scraping tools" are not allowed and have demanded that NYU stop the research.

You can still download the plugin from their website and participate in the research if you choose.

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It seems that more and more mathematicians are using a new, high level language named "research student".
