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Comment Re:Some people with hold roms from emulators (Score 2) 361

Let's see so far Super Mario Bros. has been released on: NES, FAMCOM Disk System, SNES as part of Super Mario All-Stars, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Emulated in Animal Crossing on Game Cube (requires a Game Shark to unlock), Nintendo Wii (both as a virtual console and part of the Super Mario Bros. 25th Anniversary Collection Disc), Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a Demo. And is currently available on Virtual Console for Nintendo Wii, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo Wii U.

Most people that complain about this in regards to Nintendo, usually are just mad that Nintendo only releases their games on their systems. Sort of how people whine about Apple no releasing their software for Windows. In both cases, their software exists to move the hardware.

Comment Re:A Herring? (Score 1) 159

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." As you said, privacy is not listed in the Constitution or it's amendments thus it is a power left in the hands of the States and/or the people. The Federal Government has no authority doing unwarranted searches on everyone in a giant dragnet to capture data under such poorly defined concepts such as "Terrorism".

Comment Re:A Herring? (Score 1) 159

When most of the population (both US and World) collectively say, "That is an ridiculous and unreasonable abuse of power!!!!" I am fairly sure it is covered by the fourth amendment.

Simply put, if they want to search a citizen's property (digital or physical), then they need to get a warrant for that specific search. Otherwise, you end up with entrapment and a bunch of other abuses because law enforcement officers operate under the assumption that everyone is guilty of something, we just need to find it.

Comment Re:Proud? (Score 1) 1233

Dear Not-quite-so Educated Citizen:

From the Encyclopedia Britianica:

"Although many of the Founding Fathers acknowledged that slavery violated the core American Revolutionary ideal of liberty, their simultaneous commitment to private property rights, principles of limited government, and intersectional harmony prevented them from making a bold move against slavery. The considerable investment of Southern Founders in slave-based staple agriculture, combined with their deep-seated racial prejudice, posed additional obstacles to emancipation."

"When the last remaining Founders died in the 1830s, they left behind an ambiguous legacy with regard to slavery. They had succeeded in gradually abolishing slavery in the Northern states and Northwestern territories but permitted its rapid expansion in the South and Southwest. Although they eventually enacted a federal ban on the importation of foreign slaves in 1808, the enslaved population continued to expand through natural reproduction, while the growing internal domestic slave trade led to an increase in the tragic breakup of enslaved families."

The issue wasn't that they necessarily liked or supported slavery, it was they wildly disagreed how to solve it or if it was a federal issue to be solved. Some advocated releasing the slaves (like Washington), others colonization elsewhere in the belief the races couldn't co-exist (like Jefferson), and others saw no problem (those of South Carolina and Georgia). So the simple thing we can take from it was that it was just as complex an issue then as it was when the Civil War broke out.

Someone with 5 minutes to consult an encyclopedia.

Comment Re:Justified? That depends... (Score 1) 259

As an owner of a Nikon Camera who had to send their equipment in for repairs to their repair center, the experience was horrible. 3 months without the camera and a cost that almost was the price of replacing the body itself. Had we not been already invested a lot into the glass for it, I would have told them where to deposit the camera I sent them.

Comment Re:Wow (Score 1) 456

Because it is much easier to have all the tech news from multiple sites show up in a stream that is more interactive as Twitter, but can be isolated easy from friends and family. It is also nice I can just put in a search term and see the public trends on the topic, or just see what others are talking about.

People make the mistake of seeing G+ as Facebook, but it is not. It is more like a blending of Facebook and Twitter.

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