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Comment Re:This isn't news. Same in Germany for decades. (Score 1) 130

If we'd only have multiple-use plastic by law things would be much better.

I have seen multiple-use plastic bottles which were washed and refilled by the drinks company. They were made out of far thicker plastic and had reinforcement on the base to protect them from damage.

These bottles would have to be reused many times to use the same amount of plastic as thin single-use bottles.

Comment Cheating Theatres (Score 1) 95

For new releases movie theatres tend to pay the distributers a percentage of the box office revenue. It is in the interest of the distributor for the cinema to show the film more often so that more people have the opportunity to buy tickets.

If the theatre wanted to cheat the distributed it would simply under-report the box office takings. Distributors and the audit departments of the cinema chains will investigate if the box office figures seem to be abnormal. This is not a new problem- systems like the electro-mechanical Automaticket machines were developed to reduce the ability of staff to under-report takings.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 423

All ballot papers have a unique serial number on them, and this is recorded against the person who voted. It is perfectly possible to therefore workout who voted what way.

I have seen ballots being found and extracted (removed) using the serial number where there was a case of suspected personation at a UK general election. This did not take a lot of time since they only had to search through one ballot box rather than all the ballots in the constituency.

The extraction of the ballot was carried out by the count staff with police supervison (the ballot was taken as evidence). Representatives for the candidates in the election were also able to witness the process.

In the UK it is a criminal offence to reveal how somebody voted in an election.

Comment Re:Hasn't always been like this... (Score 1) 245

This implies that there is only one candidate per ballot. That's not the way it works in the USA. In the USA elections, you vote for the president, the governor, the senators, etc.. on a single ballot. Yes, many people vote along party lines but not everyone so there is no way to sort them into piles.

The vast majority of UK elections are single candidate/party per ballot. If two or more elections are taking place on the same day then multiple ballots are used. Elections tend to be held at different times so it is less likley to have multiple contests on the same day.

For the Scottish Parliament elections, each voter is given two ballots- one for a named candidate, the other for a top up proportional represantation list candidate (where they vote for a single party).

There are some elections where multiple candidates are chosen. Scottish local government elections use multi member single transferable vote so voters rank the candidates in order of preference. The London Mayrol election uses suplimentory vote where the voters put down a first and second preference. The ballots for these elections are paper based and then scanned into a computer system for counting.

Comment Re:Health Worker Swab? (Score 1) 55

I was tested in the UK (NHS drive-through test) and the swab was taken by the centre staff. They swabbed for longer than I was expecting. I suspect that most people who administer the test themselves would not swab for long enough and would therefore have a higher chance of getting a false negative result.

The UK testers were are not all fully trained medics, who are needed elsewhere, but from related professions such as opticians (who were closed at the start of the pandemic).

Comment Polling place opening hours (Score 1) 131

How long are polling places open in the US? In the UK you can vote in person from 7am until 10pm. Most people should be able to vote before or after work.

I don't see how getting time off work would be particularly helpful- I have to vote at a designated polling place, allocated by registered address. I can leave my house, vote and return home in less than 20 minutes. With the exception of a few people who live near their places of work getting time off during the day would require them to commute to and from work twice in a day.

Comment Re:Finding an effective vaccine is not certain (Score 1) 121

That's what we're all hoping for (except for the annual coronavirus shot - I hope it doesn't mutate enough to require an annual shot like the flu)

The annual vaccination may be due to the effect of the vaccine fading over time rather that the virus mutating. If it does mutate then a annual shot containing the most common strains of the vaccine may be required (the flu vaccine typically has 4 or 5 of the strains that are thought to be circulating the most).

Comment Re:Not a matter of competing (Score 1) 121

WHO has three of the best, using three methodoligies,

The WHO is just listing the vaccines in development and stating which ones are in clinical trials. The three currently undergoing clinical trials are not necessarily the best vaccines merely the ones which have been developed enough to enter the trial stage. It may turn out that none of the three are effective and one of the slower to be developed ones works a lot better.

Comment Re:Erm, not legal tender (Score 1) 77

When it comes to paying an actual debt, a debtor can put reasonable limits on how you can pay, or conditions on certain methods as long as its disclosed before the debt is agreed upon. For example, they can impose a credit card surcharge because they have to pay a charge to accept it or refuse to accept cash because they have no cash handling facilities. Also payment in legal tender must be reasonable. For example, if you have a £5,000 debt, a debtor can refuse to accept 2500 x £2 coins or even 1000 £5 notes where they would be obligated to accept 250 £20 notes.

In the UK it depends on which country you are in.

In Scotland the only legal tender for high value debts is £1 and £2 coins. Bank notes are accepted tender- but not strictly legal tender.

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