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Comment linode (Score 4, Informative) 375

I tried a cheap $5/month vps for a while, it was trouble. First they falsely claimed that I was maxing out my transfer limit and I switched to linode after a bunch of os files became corrupted. I haven't had an issue with linode and a few of my friends use them. Also 128mb a bit inconvenient for most things(watch out for orphaned ssh sessions chewing up ram at 5mb each).

Comment this is new? (Score 1) 154

I use this tech on a number of lenovo desktops. It works pretty good, though I have had some reliability issues. Isn't this standard with all vPro capable hardware. BTW this has some amazing potential when working with our India based IT support, especially for a small company.

Comment Hey, I've used that (Score 2) 28

Its creepy as hell during the day; I could see pedestrians. It's not that bad of an idea though; low maintenance, very clean when I used it and I felt safer then in other washrooms I've been in. Lots of guys would just piss on buildings and garbage cans otherwise. In Victoria they can just let the rain clean it.

Comment Re:Insurance (Score 1) 635

Land of the free eh? If your not insured to step out of your house, you damn well better not do it! You could require insurance, but then people would die, or you'd have law suits or some other bureaucracy. Letting someone die on a mountain does not make economic sense(look at the lost income tax revenue alone). Slapping the person with a $100k bill could cripple them financially which may result in lost tax revenue though surely less then death. My suggestion is EDUCATION, don't require insurance, require boy/girl scouts(or a 1 hour test). British Columbia just put in a pleasure craft boating license for the same purpose. Society shouldn't be about making people pay their way, it should be about what is most economical. If it costs 500 billion to fix a 50 billion dollar drug problem, don't do it, its a waste of time.

Comment Re:CBC radio 2 (Score 1) 228

I'm 26 and listen to Classical music regularly and I also enjoy their 'pop music'(more indie really) from time to time, though I can't stand MTV pop music. I find classical excellent to work too and I've enjoyed a few live performances.

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