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Comment Re:HP Proliant MicroServer N40L (Score 1) 320

The HP Microserver has the "HP MicroServer Remote Access Card" option, an IPMI compatible card you can plug in a PCI Express x1 port. It has a virtual KVM, also. Its price may be around 60-70$.


I uso two of this on several locations as a NAS with ZFS, using last FreeNAS releases. There used to be a problem using ZFS with FreeNAS on this machines, that weren't powerful enough for running it and transfers would stall each several seconds, but, once I upgraded to FreeNAS 8.3 and upgraded to 4GB of RAM or more, the problem stopped.

Comment Re:"then no one has them." (Score 1) 133

LOPD law controls databases of personal information in any form: photo, video, text information... [EN]

It's a hard law and it's one of the best in the world regarding protection of individuals information.
Just in 2009 where imposed 29million euros in fines.

About CCTV sytems:
If you have a CCTV system and you are not "the police", it cannot be pointing to the streets, it only can record images of your own premises.
Also, every database of personal information has to be registered on the Data Protection Agency
If you are recording people by any means on your premises, you have to put up signs on the entrances showing up who's responsible of that images and where to contact.
If you are going to a soccer game you'll also find any information related to your image in the back of your tickets, same as you go to a music show or something similar.
If you are "the police" and have any kind of CCTV recording devices on the street, you also have to put information and who's on charge of that.
And you have the legal rights to access, modify, correct or delete any of your information in that databases.

Not only that, but, if you see any kind of CCTV recording system that's not complying, you don't need to bring the lawyers, you only have to alert the Data Protection Agency via email or phone, and they are legally mandated to investigate and press charges by themselves.

About 'secret investigations', police is only able to mantain that personal information while they are conducting that investigation, and the information taken is relevant for it. If the infomation is not relevant or not needed anymore, it has to be deleted.

CCTV recording operations is indiscriminate, is not watching suspected terrorist or delincuents. It doesn't follow any investigation or need, it's just a mass control system.

Comment Re:"then no one has them." (Score 1) 133

I don't know in your cointry, but in mine (Spain):

You should be warned when you are being recorded or your personal information is stored on any place
You should be told of who's the owner and responsible of the 'database' where your information or personal image is being stored
You have the RIGHTS of accessing that database, looking for your information, correcting it and/or deleting it

Not complying this can be severely punished

Comment Re:I'm the Project Lead for Growl (Score 1) 270

1.- Why AppStore only? I won't buy anything from Apple. I don't want them scanning my hard disks for apps and sending reports back. Also, I have computers without internet access that cannot use AppStore. Also, I want to give my money to the one I'm buying from.

2.- Where is the history of changes for 1.3 ? Why would I need to change and buy an App? I can only see changes up to 1.2.2...

Comment Re:Maximum cable length (Score 1) 327

No you cannot.

You cannot plug any usb/firewire device you have on your desktop and work with it.
You cannot i.e. send high quality video or audio propoperly in real time.
You cannot do it on OSes that aren't running over X.

Think , i.e. in sound or video recording studios, where the computers have to be as powerful as possible, but the place should be as silent as possible. There you have a use.

Or, i.e., as the new displays from Apple are doing: a thunderbolt docking station:

You just connect the thunderbolt port and you have your external monitor, external hard disks, usb devices, ethernet network... all connected in one cable. And you still have another thunderbolt port in the display for chaining another high res display.

I'm fucked, as I have a MacBook Pro 6/9 months older than the thunderbolt technology, and I'm tired of buying apple, but the technology and the bus is here, and there are proper uses for it.


Submission + - Ask: Improving my math skills

Andor666 writes: "As a high school drop-out, here on Spain,I never made too much into maths. I began early to work (at 16 years old), and now, 12 years later, I'm an amateur photographer, I'm a 'nice' sysadmin and a good IT technician, I can survive speaking english and a pair more of languages, but I'm entering a new field I would love to master: medical and scientific imaging. The thing is, as soon as you begin studying image analysis or magnetic resonance you see that the basic arithmetic you learnt isn't enough for this. I just know basic arithmetic, statistics, sci. notation, boolean algebra... but no calculus or applied math (and beyond). I know some physics already, due to my work around scientific imaging, and my science hobbies, and would like to know more, but I see math as my biggest barrier now. So, what would be you advice to improve my math in a way that would be helpful to my magnetic resonance and image analysis crazyness?"

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