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Comment Re:And thats why (Score 1) 92

Without it, devs just throw the responsibly to operate over the wall and divorces them from the consequence of poor design.

I have no clue where you have been working (and hope never to work there), but in all the places I have worked, dev is *NEVER* divorced from the consequences. If there is a problem that isn't obviously hardware (failing disk, machine rebooting from kernel panics, router failing, ...), dev, almost always in conjunction with ops works on the problem. Sometimes the problem will still be hardware (a failing drive in one system manifested as a DB slowdown in a different system), sometimes it will be in the app.

Comment Re:Sorry, but... (Score 1) 508

In the rare cases where enterprise services are paid for with a credit card, any and all verification for the $10k+/mo in charges is done when the contract is signed in person.

I can't speak to Google's requirements, but we signed up with AWS, and paid with a Corporate Credit Card (I think we were around $6K/month) quite happily, and only changed when we got bought, and the new overlords had their own AWS account we are now a part of. We never had to go to any Amazon site to sign anything.

Comment Re:Oh, really? (Score 3, Interesting) 1255

problem children are expelled

Which is great for the private school. but that just means the problem children end up at the public school. If the private school can cherry pick the students, they can probably provide them with a better education, but that doesn't remove the need for ALL students to be educated, problem or otherwise.


Submission + - Free Sherlock Holmes (

hey hey hey writes: There is a lawsuit asking a district court to rule that Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are public domain, and free from copyright. Only 10 stories of the canon remain under copyright, and the plaintiffs claim this should free the characters for derived words. Details can be found here:

Comment Re:three words, one hyphen: (Score 1) 549

there was a regional grocery store chain where I used to live whose prices were consistently about 40% off of all major competing grocery stores in the area.

I call bullshit. Grocery stores run at about a 1 to 3 percent profit margin. Some individual items might be priced wildly differently, and a discontinued store (one getting rid of merchandise other stores can't sell) might be able to do a larger discount, but 40% off of standard goods just ain't gonna happen.

Comment Re:Not getting RDMS (Score 1) 283

It wasn't until some time later that the relational database was developed, with the idea that the database server would figure out the relations between data, rather than forcing the application to do that work.

That "some time later" was about 50 years ago. I think we can safely declare this "mature" technology that everyone can safely use...

Comment Re:Oracle = pain (Score 4, Insightful) 117

And before you ask - we're running the 6th busiest Oracle database in Europe - according to Oracle themselves - running across 4*128 SSD drive arrays at a cost of millions.. and for the 3 or 4 features we need to justify the licenses instead or designing our way out of the same problem, at times I really wonder about the hassle, especially when our data is so important and locked up into such a bloated closed up mess.

You might think such things as a fun fantasy, but you would be insane to actually do it. When it (say) turns out your home grown solution corrupts records spanning odd page boundaries, you will be quite sad as you and the one other guy who has a clue how your "clever hack" functions gets to work 24hour days trying to debug the problem, determine the extent of the damage, and try and figure out a solution. It is times like that when having thousands of consultants, and a major corporation with teams of dedicated programmers ready to jump on your problem (for a price, certainly for a price) is the only sane option. If you are really as big as you say, your data is WAY to valuable.

I may not be fond of Oracle either as a corporation or as a product, but there are reasons it rules in the enterprise DB niche.

Comment Re:The trouble is arrays, not strings. (Score 2) 594

Why was C so lame? Because it had to run on PDP-11 machines, which were weaker than PCs. On a PC, at least you had 640Kb. On a PDP-11, you had 64Kb of data space and (on the later PDP-11 models) 64Kb of code space, for each program.

Your relative comparisons are a bit off. The Altair from 1975 (the first versions of C were finished around 1973) had a whopping 1KB of memory. The mini computers of the day ran rings around what PCs there were, both in raw power and in memory.

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