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Comment From Daring whatever (Score 1) 311

Quote From Daring Firewhatnot:
"It’s almost hard to remember now, but just a few short years ago, Yahoo was the place for hot startups to find a home."

You mean Yahoo was the company with money to burn buying into hokey startups (exception for Delicious and a *few* others I'm sure).

Comment Alienation (Score 1) 266

I think there's a general misunderstanding about what's going on here. So let me try to clear it up (and hope I succeed). As an independent company, Sun was essentially a failing concern. Pure and simple. When Oracle purchased Sun, they purchased them for the assets that Sun happened to own (either through in-house R&D or through either shrewd or lucky acquisition - choose your poison). They did *not* purchase Sun for business strategy. I can guarantee you on that. Thus, there is a new business strategy in place with respect to capitalizing on Sun's assets.

So by this reasoning, the alienation of the OO, MySQL and Java communities is by no means a random occurrence. Oracle's new business strategy with respect to these products is what is alienating these communities. If you want to pretend that Oracle and Ellison are not behind this, either you're simply in denial, you're heavily invested in Oracle technologies, or Oracle writes your paycheque (again, choose your poison).

oh ya, to all those who saw no harm in the Sun acquisition....

Comment Re:Gaming (Score 1) 416

Even if Apple stopped doing anything today, I think it's safe to say their products will be around and developers will be developing for them five years from now because there'd still be enough somebodies somewhere using an iPhone or iPad. If you're not convinced, just look to Palm ;)

Comment Nice, but... what about a, e, and o? (Score 2, Insightful) 280

That's pretty amazing. Except that the letters a, e, and o are nearly indistinguishable. To prove it is the smallest legible font, one would have to show that a long enough sequence of just the letters a, e and o could be spelled back by a reader. aeoeoaoeoeoaoeoaoeeeoaaaoeoaoa. I doubt it.

Practically speaking, that would mean a word like onomatopeia would be hard to identify. Of course, the context in which a word shows up probably accounts for more than half of the reason a reader can identify that word so quickly in a sentence.

Comment Re:If you don't already.... (Score 1) 551

Meh. The Beatles are overrated.

Guaranteed that most of the artists you listen to, including the few that you worship, would disagree with you on that statement. Unless you were born in the before the early 50s, there is very little of any music released in the past 40 yearsincluding electronic music, and heavy that wasn't influenced by them.

To illustrate... take Kraftwerk & Neu! who are the cornerstones of modern electronic, dance, etc., they were influenced by Beatles pop and lyrical style. As for heavy, listen to the Beatles' Helter Skelter.. it is considered proto-metal, their only song of the kind, very influential on metal, and it's still an insane listen today.

Comment Re:White Album (Score 1) 551

Oh, so now I've got to buy the White Album *again*?

Yes, but if there is one album worth buying again and again, that would be the White Album.

40 years later, it awakened the Holy See, which was never really a fan of the Beatles or John Lennon particularly (read the history yourself), to the Beatles' genius.

Comment Re:Why Go? (Score 1) 583

Google should invest R&D in rewriting and optimizing the Ruby interpreter and "adopt" it the way they did Java. It definitely has potential for application development on mobile platforms. Maybe optimized for the VM-environment à la JRuby. Apple already sees its potential on the desktop - hence, MacRuby. Yes, Ruby. The force is strong in that one.

Comment Re:Meanwhile, at Microsoft... (Score 1) 641

... Ballmer et al are wringing their hands nefariously

Ya, I'm sure they are. But too bad I see this as more a win for the true open source development and dare I say even Stallman et al. and his philosophy. Anyone with huge investments in Java should have had second thoughts when it became clear that Sun wasn't going to "donate" its control of the language, its libraries and its VM-licensing to a non-profit industry-run consortium which should have been setup as early as ten or even fifteen years ago.

This is not a win for MS at all for a simple reason: once bitten, twice shy.

Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 641

Either Larry Ellison is smart beyond my imagination, or he's too stupid to understand that he's basically killing MySQL, OpenOffice and Java - arguably the three most valuable software assets he bought with Sun.

It's easily argued that these three most valuable assets acquired in the Sun purchase are, taken as a whole, not even worth a fraction of the existing and potential business of the product they've already had, Oracle. They couldn't give a shit about Java, MySQL or gawd OpenOffice. It's more likely he was thinking: "hmmm, how do I squash three great products at least one of which had terrifying potential???"

Submission + - Why no IRS site to prepare and submit tax returns? (irs.gov)

An anonymous reader writes: The IRS receives nearly 150M individual tax returns (2008) collecting around $1.4T (2007) with collection costs of about $0.48 per $100 (1980-2008). Assuming 0.1% of the IRS costs were allocated to a web interface for calculating and submitting individual tax returns then the total budget for the web interface would be 670M per year at $4.50 per individual return. $4.50/return is an insane budget. With $4.50 per return I can buy the following for every tax return: (a) $0.50 for 1 day on a vendor-supplied VPS server to do the *humor* complicated math of a tax return (b) $1 for a human to analyze/process issues detected on 1% of returns (c) $1.00: Tax prep, cross-check, and validation software backed by 200k hrs of design, 400k hrs of low level testing, and 400k hrs of user testing at $150/hr. What am I missing? Please refrain from obvious comment topics like politics, politicians, corruption, etc.

Comment Re:Sounds....great?? (Score 1) 348

You're paying the ISP to transfer the data, Hulu is providing the content which is supported by the ads. If you're paying the ISP for data, and paying Hulu for the content, then having to watch the ads seem to be a pretty poor deal.

Yet no one seems to mind watching trailers (and now ads for new gadgets or deals at local businesses) before a movie at the theatre.

oh wait, on second thought... that's probably why attendance is down at the theatre (despite this new rage called 3D :p)

It's an oversimplification, but people do vote with their wallet.

Comment I'm surprised they killed Wave (Score 1) 191

I'm surprised Google killed Wave when they haven't killed many other long-standing projects they have going that are much less popular with users and, as a result, much less lucrative. I think it was a clash of heads between Rasmussen and the top over what his priorities should be. They probably wanted something that would be as instantly popular as Maps. Wave did have potential especially if they marketed it alongside Google Apps for Business, but it's definitely not going to drive the kind people who use Facebook to start switching in droves to using Wave instead -- that's a bit unrealistic. If that's what Lars was looking for, everyone's probably better off with him at Facebook.

Comment For all Americans (Score 3, Informative) 282

For all Americans who think this will never happen to them, you should read this article from Reuters just this past Wednesday. Looks like the Canadian telecom industry is the role model our boys are looking to follow. But unlike what the article says, Canadians are not accepting this situation lying down. They are actively seeking out and subscribing to the new disruptive competition like Wind Mobile and Mobilicity.

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