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Comment Re:So don't use Java (Score 1) 510

Java is actually an idiotic choice for mobile devices. Running on an interpreter means it uses many times the battery power to get things done compared to native apps.

I'd contend that view is outdated, partly because hardware's moved on just enough to allow for a software layer with extra fat, but mostly because the market's shown that android has been hugely successful - with good reason. We can argue over what the reason might be, but is it idiotic to find a solution that sells so well in spite of increased power consumption? I can't agree with that.

Comment It's not so great yet. (Score 1) 25

It's mostly a collection of links to local government websites. There are a few things I'd rather see done differently:

- data held centrally by data.gov.uk so it can be directly accessed...
- ...and held in common, open formats rather than the current MS only formats
- queryable data, not just massive spreadsheets

It seems to have potential. It's not much use right now though.

Comment Re:It's called a team (Score 1) 426

For me it isn't just that I want him in the shit with me there and then, more than likely he will just be in the way unless he's just ordering pizza.

Instead, I want to make sure that when he's making the decision to drop me in the shit again every day for the next three weeks that he's not doing it refreshed and knowing he can go home to where his wife's got a meal waiting, but miserably tired and desperate not to stay under the fluorescents for another shift.

Comment Re:Democracy (Score 3, Insightful) 216

It's been known for a long time that quite often the only way to get the government to actually listen to its citizens is to stage some form of peaceful mass protest. That's why that right is protected in the US Bill of Rights.

And why the UK has been slowly eroding any rights of protest near Parliament, at certain events, etc.

Comment Re:Democracy (Score 5, Insightful) 216

So whats the point in going to vote in the first place if theres no guarantee that the will of the people will be mirrored in the actions of the elected goverment until mass protests fill up the streets (or tubes)?

So far as I can see, democracies have never had anything to do with the will of the public, just the will of their elected (from a pitifully small selection of) representatives.

There needs to be a better way of actually getting the will of the general public involved somehow, democracy as it stands is a pretty poor implementation of that. Politicians are a very dirty abstraction layer.

Comment Re:Have fun with management (Score 5, Funny) 468

Maybe its just the corporate environment that I'm in and please I would love to be wrong. But from what I can tell a good number of open sourced products just don't scale up to the enterprise level.

There aren't any tools that manage them centrally and allow for compliance and auditing.

Crap. Has anyone told Google yet? Best get them to switch to Windows quickly!

Comment Re:Just do a little freelance work. (Score 1) 262

Though I've never messed with any of them, there are plenty of freelance, contractor type sites out there.

I've used them. Even going in at 1/4 of my hourly 9-5 rate I won't get a single successful bid. I suspect there's a lot of unhappy customers from those sites and not many competent developers using them.

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