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Comment They're still spying on Americans, just indirectly (Score 2) 21

Allied countries of the USA such as the UK just do the spying on American citizens on behalf of the CIA. Then the CIA spies on foreigners including Brits. Then all these intelligence agencies just give each other access into each other's databases. It is a loophole that needs to be closed by Congress; forbid the CIA from receiving info on American citizens that was acquired by foreign nations.

Comment Re: I see the tide turning in the comments (Score 1) 130

The DEC has figured out carry capacities for deer, turkey, black bear, squirrel, and other game populations for all of NY state. That info plus current population stats is how they determine how many hunting tags to issue each year to hunters. If they can do it with deer, then other can do it with humans. Earth's human carrying capacity should be maximized because humans are fricking awesome and there is good reason we are the dominant species. We are the best hope of all Earth's species to expand life to other celestial bodies. To do that we need maximum geniuses, and to do that we need as many smart people as possible having as many children as possible. The more geniuses born, the more we can figure out how to increase Earth's carrying capacity. I guarantee that if we aren't stupid an blow ourselves up, that HIGHER CO2 LEVELS will be needed at some distant future date in order to allow earth to host more humans comfortably, simply because higher temperatures and CO2 leads to more precipitation and faster crop growth, and food, fresh water, and air are the #1 things humans need to survive.

Comment Re:Once again 70% of middle class jobs (Score 1) 176

LOL. Nothing is free except maybe air you breath. Who designs, manufactures, and builds the robots that produce all the stuff you mentioned? Answer: humans, with the help of more robots. Key ingredient: Humans. Labor saving devices have been around for thousands of years. People need to learn to code. Seriously Then we will all have goods more abundantly and there will be fewer poor people. The only difference between now and 20+ years ago is that there are a lot more poor people now because: 1) They can't get jobs because of government regulations (minimum wage for example, OSHA, etc) 2) They didn't train or retrain in the right stuff. Some even got into serious debt in order to obtain useless degrees. 3) Whatever skills they had became obsolete thanks to rapid advent of automation and AI. Many many more humans need to rapidly catch up and spend their time learning automation, how to train AI, how to build server farms and power systems that feed them, etc. Then we will all have so much more than we do now, or have a lot more free time.

Comment Re: He's right (Score 1) 176

barter? No, there is better; gold, silver, crypto. I bought a house with silver. Holds value much better than fiat. Prices go lower due to a variety of factors, such as automation and other technological advancements. They would be even lower if the government weren't printing so much money irresponsibly to finance their profligacy, and if they didn't authorize banks to essentially do the same with fractional reserve lending. The CPI is a lie dude. It doesn't measure rising prices accurately.

Comment Re: He's right (Score 1) 176

Average prices are increasing. Comparing the value of the dollar to other fiat currencies says little about overall purchasing power. A better metric would be to compare it to gold or a basket of commodities not defined and manipulated by government. Letting the government measure rising prices is like letting the mafia calculate and report on crime statistics, or letting students chaperone their own senior prom. The value of any currency is equal to demand divided by supply. The value of dollars has been decreasing since supply of them has increased too rapidly. As the value decreases, so does the demand, creating a vicious cycle that results in even more destruction of value and thus purchasing power. The only reason the dollar or any other fiat currency for that matter has value is because fools are stupid enough to exchange their time, labor and goods for it because they think some other sucker in the future will take that soft currency in exchange for something else.

Comment Re: I see the tide turning in the comments (Score 1) 130

Human carrying capacity is a measure how how many humans that habitats can support. Its that simple. Higher CO2 levels up to a point actually have a lot of advantage in terms of increasing carrying capacity (e.g. higher crop yields, longer growing seasons, faster plant growth, more arable land especially with irrigation) but you never hear about any of this since those in power want to manipulate you so that you feel good and happy paying the carbon taxes.

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