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Comment Re:7.0? Really? (Score 1) 292

The core bits of chrome are open source (Look at the chromium project, of which i am a user). Chrome itself also has some proprietary bits (updater, crash reporter, flash & pdf support built-in, etc).

Comment Re:Why is this news? (Score 1) 548

popcon is an optional part of Ubuntu installs (There is an option at the end, not sure of the default). Popcon gives a pretty good indication of what packages are installed, but (afaik) not how consistently the OS is used or any information regarding the hardware it is run on. The canonical-census package seems to tackle the latter two.

Comment Re:Okay... (Score 1) 354

Only available on a per website basis, and besides the security crowd are so pedantic they've convinced Firefox and who knows how many else that self signed certs are worse than unencrypted traffic.

The problem with SSL is we are using the same certificates and mechanism for both encryption and authentication. You can't authenticate self-signed certificates without a point of reference. GPG and other platforms use the web of trust, but we don't have that for SSL. There isn't currently a way to say "I only want encryption, not authentication".

Firefox has no way of knowing whether you care about authentication (this *is* ebay) or encryption (nobody is intercepting my password en-route), or both (this *is* paypal and nobody is intercepting my password).

Comment Re:So .... (Score 1) 532

I would imagine the switch to EFI had more to do with it being Intel's forward-looking platform. iirc, Intel helped design some of the earlier "mactel" machines.

If Apple were to use OF on Intel-based machines, they would be on their own. They would be the only users and sole maintainers of that combination. Going the EFI way gives you a functionally-equivalent platform, essentially already completed and done.

Even if OF and EFI were completely equivalent in features, switching made sense.

Comment Re:Come on guys... (Score 1) 495

I agree from a developer point of view. Being a Gnome/Linux user, I enjoy using a real GTK+ app instead of something coded cross-platform Java (that is, java using swing instead of GTK). Swing doesn't necessarily implement all the standard GTK features that one is used to. But I wouldn't go as far as saying I know what tools others should use. If somebody felt java/swing was a good match for them, then it is no problem of mine. Likewise, if somebody wanted to code in flash for the iphone, and limit themselves to old APIs, or some lowest-common-denominator for cross-platform support, then fine. Their app won't "feel" as great, and probably will not be as popular as its competitors. I think most of the successful apps will still be native. But it is silly to assume that what makes sense for you or me makes sense for everybody.

The real reason is probably closer to preventing simple porting to/from iphone and other non-apple platforms. They may be somewhat concerned about developers not having to buy apple hardware as well, but I haven't really heard that one mentioned as much.

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