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Comment Collimation? (Score 1) 64

I can't help but wonder whether this kind of mirror could be used to produce a highly collimated laser beam. The more regular the surface of the mirror, the more parallel the rays of light emitted. I wonder if this technology could be effectively used to make a weapon that requires less power (the light being more highly focused on the target.) Perhaps the Star Wars concept of the Reagan years has returned?

Comment Interesting concept, but... (Score 1) 41

it really isn't useful except where there is a changing atmosphere and the absence of a stronger source of energy such as the Sun. I imagine there are places on the Earth where this could be used, such as deep within caves or piping. Where there is a change in humidity, there is likely to be a change in temperature too. That means that a Peltier device or a battery might be a better choice in most cases.

But I have no doubt that someone will, within a few days or hours, propose this as a solution to global warming. Let the games begin!

Comment Re:FFS, it's been available for decades (Score 1) 310

From http://www.giss.nasa.gov/tools...:

The model version being used for the CMIP5 simulations will soon be available in a complete package, though there are nightly snapshots of the current code repository available (including the frozen 'AR5_branch'), but users should be aware that these snapshots are presented 'as is' and are not necessarily suitable for publication-quality experiments.

In other words, the model isn't ready/reliable. Perhaps you'd better stop staring at the Sun for so long, AC: the risks to your health are much greater than those posed by Global Warming.

Comment Duh... (Score 1) 637

So says the article that we lack "the ability to adequately process the need for the whole species' long-term survival". Evolution sets forth that we compete with members of our species for resources, caring most about what happens to our relatives (those who have the most-in-common DNA). The reason we don't care what happens to the "whole species" is because that is worse for us as individuals, in the context of the propagation of our DNA.

Oh, and climate change doesn't concern the "whole species" either. It concerns only those who have beach-front property and those who will have to move from arid landscapes. The "whole species" will do fine through GW.

Comment Re:Meaningless politial release (Score 0) 310

And if you read the website for the Fifth CMIP (at your link on the first page), you'll see that it:

provide(s) a multi-model context for 1) assessing the mechanisms responsible for model differences in poorly understood feedbacks associated with the carbon cycle and with clouds, 2) examining climate “predictability” and exploring the ability of models to predict climate on decadal time scales, and, more generally, 3) determining why similarly forced models produce a range of responses.

The snippet from the press release doesn't identify the model(s) used; it doesn't even specify a model associated with the Fifth CMIP. So even if one were do "dig around" as you suggest, he would still have no idea what model(s) were used to generate their projections. Now when you get around to wrapping your head around that, then you can turn in your ignorance to overlooking the admission on the CMIP website that (1) the models they consider produce significantly different projections and (2) the feedbacks are "poorly understood".

Have a nice day.

Comment Re:Meaningless politial release (Score 0) 310

I'm talking about the code they used to generate the projections in their release. Without being able to examine the and develop opinions about its reliability/applicability to the real world, the projections contain nothing more valuable than what can be found in an advertisement for an expensive vitamin supplement.

Comment Meaningless politial release (Score 1, Insightful) 310

NASA is releasing global climate change projections to help scientists and planners better understand local and global effects of hazards.

Now if they'd only make available [1] the models (as in code) used to generate those projections and [2] a supercomputer to run it on, then someone could actually use this. The historical data has been available to interested scientists for a long time: releasing it to the public on a website provides only the appearance of openness. Without the transparency of how those projections were generated, the value of them is the same as a press release from a known politically-biased entity. (Yes, I'm talking about the Obama administration, which can't stop the endless string of daily press releases likely to be contradicted a couple of Tuesdays later.)

Comment Re:Lets set a few things straight. (Score 1) 639

The reason there is little research against global warming theories is because that effort is unpopular, in terms of funding. Universities, the government, etc. all want to claim they are fixing a problem. No one wants to fund a study that doesn't make a showing of "progress".

When the proponents of GW come up with confirmable theories (ones that don't require the "adjustment" of collected data and last more than a year or two), then they shall have my ear.

Comment Re:Kooks galore (Score 1) 639

If the data isn't accurate enough to explain the disparities in the data, then it isn't accurate enough to explain a theory of man-made global warming either.

So you think that all of the temperature readings (as a whole) taken from the ships all have the same offset error, over only a particular about 15 year period (but not before and after)? Really? I hope that such a correction is not a common one to make: it would make the conclusions of these "scientists" even more suspect.

I don't need to spend my reading time in the annals of junk science.

Comment Re:Kooks galore (Score 1) 639

I think you're missing the point (perhaps intentionally). If these "scientists" can't reliably predict collected data, why should we trust their computer models? The inaccuracies in the data they speak of can't be explained by errors due to limited resolution. Statistics says that such errors would be in both directions (for and against their conclusions). Their problem is that they have no explanation for the data adverse to their position, other than to call it "inaccurate".

And you're playing the old trick of shifting the burden of proof. It is not up to me to disprove what they have to say: it is their burden to show that they are correct. When what they have to say doesn't stand up to the light of criticism (by their peer scientists), they haven't met their burden.

I decline your invitation to play with Chicken Little.

Comment Kooks galore (Score 1) 639


A US government laboratory says the much talked about "pause" is an illusion caused by inaccurate data. Updated observations show temperatures did not plateau, say National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) scientists. The warming rate over the past 15 years is "virtually identical" to the last century, they report in Science.

May I ask a question or two?

1. They admit that they're using inaccurate data. Why should we trust the conclusions they reach?
2. The population has grown a great deal over the "last century" (and correspondingly the amount of carbon dioxide released). Why would the warming rate now be "virtually identical" to that from 100 years ago?

I can get more reliable information from people living in the psych ward. Can we please stop having every word from these kooks published as "scientific research", please?

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