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Comment Re:The big problem (Score 4, Insightful) 119

I apologize for that jackass' response above (even though this is /., so it is to be expected). You are being sincere and sharing useful info, and he is just a troll. Anyway, understand that there are good times to come, and if you try to make the best of what time she has left, it will mean loads to your daughter in her future. I suspect you already know this, but remeber that your daughter is still watching how you treat this situation and it molds her as well. Just know that you have positive energy coming your way from me. Alzheimer's sucks.

Comment Re:Digital distribution has been needed for a whil (Score 1) 406

My monthly satellite bill is $60

OK, I haven't paid for satellite or cable in a while. It is still MUCH cheaper for something that does a HELL of a lot more than shows commercials all day. As a quick example: XP was around for 7 years. $300 / 7 / 12 = $3.5/month

What makes it so is that the entirety of my computer costs about that much pre-software

Right, but what is your computer without software? A pile of chips.

there are plenty of solutions out there that do what Windows does for free

Cool, use them. That is your choice. Some people choose to use software that costs money. Gimp vs. Photoshop, Word vs. OO.

which is about all that the product is worth

Sorry, see Econ 101: Valuation

Comment Re:Digital distribution has been needed for a whil (Score 2, Insightful) 406

You go to the store, give them that ungodly sum that they charge, and then come home with your shiny box and DVD.

Seriously, what is UNGODLY about what they charge for their product? You spend more in a MONTH on cable TV than what it costs to buy Vista Super Premium. And don't give me the "It's expensive because it doesn't work" BS. If it doesn't work, don't buy it.

Personally, I run one of each (Win,Mac,Ubuntu) at my house, and i have no problem with the cost i need to pay for Windows or mac. Different tools for different uses.

Comment Re:Potentially silly question... (Score 1) 116

I would think so, have you ever watched millions of them fly out from under a bridge or cave? They seems to be able to distinguish their own "voice" from others. Come to think of it, maybe that is just timing. They know when they send a chirp, and can expect it back within a certain threshhold. So, basically, I dont know either. Please disregard what you just read...

Comment Re:this thing, motorcycles, and safety (Score 1) 453

Possibly because our "passion" is not driving fast? My personal passion is golf and playing with my kids at the park. In order to get there safely, and get home safely, I drive like a sane person. If your passion is driving fast, then find a safe place to do it. There are tracks everywhere, and some small airports will rent out unused runways as well.

Just because you have a passion for something, doesn't mean you can indulge in it 24 hours a day. I also have a passion for shooting AR15s, but I don't expect to be able to blow off rounds in my neighborhood or in a grocery store parking lot.

What you call 'having fun on the roads', most people would call being a complete jackass.

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