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Comment Tape is still king (Score 2) 326

Any company that I've ever worked for that had money to spend did tape backups and stored them in a vault offsite. Tapes get verified as they're written, and don't have parts that fail like hard drives do. They have a 30-year shelf life, and you'll always be able to find a way to read them in the future. Go to ebay, buy a used LTO3 or LTO4 drive, (400GB and 800GB uncompressed, respectively). Tapes are about $25/ea for LTO3. Then put a backup somewhere safe.

Comment As a FreeBSD desktop user (Score 1) 487

I moved from Linux to FreeBSD on the desktop something like 10 years ago. The same arguments apply as used to apply in the Linux vs. Windows debate. FreeBSD is more secure than Linux (but is that because it's less of a target?) Linux has better Flash support (with its attendant security holes.) FreeBSD has the ports system and ZFS though, and the system is cleaner, better integrated, easier to maintain, and I simply like it better. Use whatever OS you want for whatever you use it for. For me FreeBSD beats Linux any day.

Comment For me it's GPL vs. BSD (Score 1) 215

GPL isn't compatible with some code because GPL introduces additional restrictions, which some licenses (Mozilla, CDDL) prohibit. Whether this makes GPL more free or less free is debatable, but BSD-like licenses avoid this. Hence some cool stuff (clang! ZFS!) can't cross-pollinate with software under the GPL, which is too bad.

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I'd rather just believe that it's done by little elves running around.
