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Comment Re:Usenet (Score 1) 130

In the 1980's the area code didn't mean shit. Well, it meant long distance. But we still had to pay for charges within the area code to certain exchanges. I seem to recall that these were zone charges. My 313-776 exchange could not call a 313-386 number free of charge.

Comment My buyer's agent's been great (Score 1) 144

Having a buyers agent has been great. In 1998, 2004, and 2016, he's saved me loads and loads of work.

Even in 1998 I was using an online version of the MLS and MapQuest! to navigate, but he did all of the legwork and communications with the various sellers' agents on my behalf. Plus, I didn't really know how to buy a house back then, and he was a great advocate. Yeah, sure, he was chasing his half of the commission, but he still worked his ass off considering I was buying at the very low end of the market, you know, $70,000 with a VA loan on only $15/hour.

It paid off for him, because I kept coming back to him every time I moved up market. I'm afraid he'll be retired when I buy my next house, if I decide to stay in the area.

Even in 2016, I'd pretty much decided what house I wanted to buy while still on my overseas assignment. I found a mortgage company does specialized in early underwriting for international situations, _and_ did low-interest VA loans. I knew pretty much 100% of everything I'd need to buy the house, and I still valued the guy despite getting the much larger commission and doing a whole lot less work. I mean, I was repatriating, and didn't have time to run around doing all of the legwork he did for me, including looking at other houses even though we did end up with the one I'd picked out online.

I look at what I could have saved if I'd gotten the house 3% cheaper, but you know what? The seller and I arrived at a mutually satisfactory price, so I'm not worried about the 3%.

Comment Re:I call bullshit (Score 1) 63

I randomly (manually) check rpilocator from time to time, and finally got lucky after nearly a year and half, and ordered one through Chicago Electronic Distributors (Pi 4 8Gb). Acknowledging the randomness of my queries, having stumbled upon one was nice, and subjectively feels like things are getting better. (I suppose someone who wins PowerBall might suddenly think the economy is getting better, though.)

Comment Re:It is a feature (Score 1) 72

First the 68000, but you really needed to upgrade to the 68040 to get the MMU for virtual memory, and, of course, 32-bits at some point.

The PPC 601, because why stick to an old architecture? Don't be like me and buy a 68030 when the 601 is available. Sexy RISC!

When the G4 came along, you really did want Altivec.

Hey, the Intel iMac! Finally, a Core that can run Windows natively without Connectix Virtual PC!

Oh, damn. I got the Core too early. I really want a Core 2, so I can use 64 bits.

I can get a $500 dev kit with A12? Cool! I better get ahead of curve.

Ah, finally, the M1 Mac mini! The last and final architecture!

Comment Re:Plug-in hybrid [Re:Its not about what you need (Score 1) 613

I want that electric range. My need is actually zero miles of electric range, since there are a lot of ICE vehicles available, including our second vehicle. I'd prefer to be all-electric (hence the Mach E), but for me, the perfect compromise only exists with 100 miles of electric range, because that reflects 20% of my current use. In terms of pure "runabout" and having access to a second vehicle, 100 miles of range is really all I need in a pure EV.

Comment Re:Its not about what you need 60% of the time (Score 2) 613

This is exactly what we do. The Mach E is a great runabout, but charging infrastructure still sucks enough that we take the gas guzzler (about 5.26 US gallons / 100 miles) for long trips or to pull a tent trailer.

And of course, being Americans, our gas is cheap and so that abysmal mileage isn't all the expensive if you're not considering externalities.

We had a Fusion Energi a few years ago. While it was an awesome car, Michigan winters made its electric-only range useless to me, about 14 miles in winter. I'd probably consider a PHEV again if I had 100 miles of electric range which would cover most of my use, saving the gasoline for road trips. Although I prefer the simplicity of not having redundant drive systems. Plus, the Mach E is fun in a way the Fusion never was.

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