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Comment Re:Bad Mischaracterization (Score 2, Insightful) 551

Look up Therac-25. Actually, here I'll do it for you: tl;dr: Radiation therapy machine had buggy software, existing code was used on new hardware which allowed a previously-unnoticed bug to engage a high power beam without shielding. Patients experienced severe pain and burning; three died.

Comment Re:Keep the sticker (Score 1) 284

Actually I was talking about the top sticker, thus implying that any sufficiently large number of requested refunds will likely see an increase in the bureaucracy required to navigate. (see also: mail-in instant rebates, and those returns that require every styrofoam peanut) I would hope at a minimum they would require either a return of the serial number sticker or advise him that the number is being voided and must be destroyed; otherwise (as indicated in other comments) it could trivially be resold.

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All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
