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Comment Re:So much for competition (Score 3, Insightful) 44

Tell me you own stock in t-mobile without telling me you own stock in t-mobile.

Fact is, less competition is worse, fact is corporate conglomerates are bad for everyone

Fact is, since AT&T lost the case back in 1984 on their monopoly, things have gotten better for consumers as the same corporate entities grew larger and bought each other out to be the big monopoly again, while giving enough money to those in charge and being "too big to fail" became the law of the land.

Fact is, the less companies there are in competition, the easier it is for them to set prices higher and higher, because lack of competition means higher prices on consumers. The middle class squeeze continues.

Comment Re:So VBScript is an attack vector (Score 1) 88

Id say the point here is that VBS is easily transferable and ubiquitous. Anyone can learn it, and do it for free....

Powershell is owned and controlled by Microsoft, allowing them to control many aspects of the script base.

This isnt about retiring a script base, its about making money off the new thing.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 3, Insightful) 36

That, I think, is the lie people are told.

You get paid for 40 hours of work... YOU decide on working more, not the company.

You get paid for your knowledge, expertise, and abilities. not because they can squeeze you for 80 hour work weeks.

That cocaine driven mindset of the 80s and 90s is done, its dead... 40 hours is all a company gets. Emergencies are for the weekends, and if an emergency happens, its 1.5x hrs worked. So if you work 2 hours in an emergency, you get 3 hours during the work week.

Stop with this abusive mindset from the cocaine driven 80s and 90s.

Comment Re:Hey, Google... (Score 3, Insightful) 98

If only one group who created a bill that would have increased numbers to help with this problem didnt vote against it because an orange wanted it as a political football.

This disingenuous bullshit falls flat on its face when you see that kind of political meandering from an orange who cant even stay awake in court or stop shitting himself from all the drugs he takes to keep himself awake.

Comment Re:Hey, Google... (Score 2, Insightful) 98

If you lived in the USA, you would know this isnt true.

And if you really wanted to address the issue, its weird you keep going after those that wish to immigrate instead of the businesses that illegally employ those that are not legally here in the USA.

So instead of demonizing people looking to get out of a scary place, you would demonize those here in the USA that exploit these people.

Seems an odd position for you to take, to slap down those that are already beaten and bloody on the floor. But hey, you do you there anonymous coward that isnt even from the USA.

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