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Comment Re:How does that work? (Score 2) 180

You are over simplifying things. I mean it is great if you are on track to a long and happy life of easy to maintain good health. But I can think of numerous scenarios right now where a person's grandparents die of natural causes before 60 and the genetic issues that person inherits are now treatable with modern medicine. Sure on an actuarial table, it doesn't look good. But it is probably better to say that if all your grandparents died of natural causes before age 60, make sure you have regular checkups with your doctor as you hit your forties and beyond.

Anecdotally, I had a relative that was a heavy smoker (cigarettes) and overate all the wrong things. Had warnings for years from doctors. He must have been blessed genetically because he still lived a pretty long time. Who knows how much longer he would have lived if he had eaten a better diet, quit smoking and gotten some exercise? Genetics is a part of the picture. It isn't everything. I also think stress has a big role. You sound pretty happy with your lifestyle. That can help. Just stay away from busses when you are drinking beer. :-)

Comment Sadly... (Score 1) 1651

'Pushing helmets really kills cycling and bike-sharing in particular because it promotes a sense of danger that just isn't justified — in fact, cycling has many health benefits,' says Piet de Jong.

Sadly, right after saying this, Piet de Jong got on his bicycle without a helmet and crashed. After hitting his head on the curb, he was rushed by ambulance to the hospital for emergency brain surgery.

Comment Re:And this is why (Score 4, Insightful) 322

I have mixed feelings about Wikileaks. On the one hand, I like when gov't wrong doing that has been covered up is revealed. But on the other, Assange has the view that countries should always say the same things in public as in private (He said so in 60 minutes inteview). I think this is just not a standard that any nation can live up to. Most decent people don't live that way and neither would I expect well run nations to do so. Even allies will make public statements while having more private views and back channel communications. I really don't see that as wrong. It is only if it is used to propagate hurtful lies or hide important truths that make it wrong.
As for his criminal accusations, I don't know what to think. I am skeptical of the accusations and the way they were made. But I am equally skeptical of the defense of him I have heard. I don't know what the truth is. I can only hope if he committed a crime, he gets a fair trial. And if he didn't, that all accusations and allegations would be dropped.
If the U.S. is involved in the massacre of civilians in Syria, I would want to know about it. And I would want those responsible to answer for it. However, I do think that scenario unlikely in the case of Syria, from what I have read.

Comment Re:zzzz (Score 3, Insightful) 172

If some are condemning their research as fraud, they bring it on themselves by including marketing expenses in their research budgets in order to justify higher prices for consumers in the countries (like the U.S.) where they can get away with it. News reports I have seen in the past few years indicate they are making record profits. That certainly isn't because they have come up with much better antibiotics. It is because they advertise heavily until people bug their doctors for a prescription. That said, there are certainly wonderful advances and I'm sure good and decent scientists working for all the right reasons in those firms. I just doubt sincerely that they are in control.

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