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Comment Local programming . . (Score 1) 180

has always been financed by advertising on the nationally syndicated programs. The proliferation of cable channels has already fragmented the audience watching local stations. This has reduced the amount that stations can charge for advertising. If people turn to the Internet for their programming, this will only accelerate this fragmentation, making local stations financially unsustainable. It is already happening in Canada where TV networks have demanded that cable and satellite TV providers begin to pay fees to carry their programming, which the cable providers have traditionally not paid for.

Comment I prefer spatial view (Score 2, Interesting) 311

Having switched to KDE4.x from Gnome, spatial view is the one thing I miss. I never liked using Konqueror for file management in KDE3.x, which is why I mostly used Gnome. I wish someone would write a spatial view file manager for KDE. I came to Linux from OS/2 back in the last century, so spatial view seems like the normal way to do things for me. Although I confess that I still use Midnight Commander for a lot of stuff, especially when I am moving a lot of files from place to place.

Sharp Rise In Jailing of Online Journalists; Iran May Just Kill Them 233

bckspc writes "The Committee to Protect Journalists has published their annual census of journalists in prison. Of the 136 reporters in prison around the world on December 1, 'At least 68 bloggers, Web-based reporters, and online editors are imprisoned, constituting half of all journalists now in jail.' Print was next with 51 cases. Also, 'Freelancers now make up nearly 45 percent of all journalists jailed worldwide, a dramatic recent increase that reflects the evolution of the global news business.' China, Iran, Cuba, Eritrea, and Burma were the top 5 jailers of journalists." rmdstudio writes, too, with word that after the last few days' protest there, largely organized online, the government of Iran is considering the death penalty for bloggers and webmasters whose reports offend it.

New Aliens Vs. Predator Game Doesn't Make It Past AU Ratings Board 277

An anonymous reader writes "Australia refused to give Rebellion's new Aliens Vs. Predator game a rating, effectively banning it in the country. Rebellion says it won't be submitting an edited version for another round of classifications, however. (As Valve did with Left 4 Dead 2.) They said, 'We will not be releasing a sanitized or cut down version for territories where adults are not considered by their governments to be able to make their own entertainment choices.'"

Scientists Say a Dirty Child Is a Healthy Child 331

Researchers from the School of Medicine at the University of California have shown that the more germs a child is exposed to, the better their immune system in later life. Their study found that keeping a child's skin too clean impaired the skin's ability to heal itself. From the article: "'These germs are actually good for us,' said Professor Richard Gallo, who led the research. Common bacterial species, known as staphylococci, which can cause inflammation when under the skin, are 'good bacteria' when on the surface, where they can reduce inflammation."

Comment Perimeter Institute and Quantum to Cosmos (Score 1) 899

The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics is doing great work with its public outreach program that includes public lectures that are always have full attendance and which are available online. This year they are holding the Quantum to Cosmos Festival from Oct. 15 to 25. From the "About" page: "For 10 exciting days this October, Perimeter Institute's Quantum to Cosmos: Ideas for the Future (Q2C) will take a global audience from the strange world of subatomic particles to the outer frontiers of the universe. All events will occur on-site in Waterloo, Ontario and online at"

Comment Re:No smoking gun, just pro-Linux propoganda (Score 1) 406

Well Joe computer user should care. Real competition in the marketplace makes for better products and consumer choice. We would not accept the situation in the computer industry in any other industry. I can walk into an electronics retailer and see multiple brands of sound systems, or go into a housewares store and choose among multiple brands of cookware or coffee makers, yet if I walk into a computer store I see the same OS on all of the computers even if they have different brand names on them. Many people might prefer Windows to Linux, but they should have the right to make that choice. As things stand, they do not in any meaningful way.

Comment Plenty of critics (Score 1) 1127

Apparently this guy has never subscribed to a development mailing list. Linux users who have a criticism post a bug to their distributions bug tracker or discuss it on the relevant mailing list. Linux users get so critical that they start a new distribution just because they are ticked off that the existing ones won't do things the way they want. What we don't need is non-contributing criticism. If you don't like something, post a bug report or discuss it on the appropriate list. Don't just whine on your blog.

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