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Comment A Matter of Perspective (Score 4, Interesting) 397

My grandmother, who before passing away not too long ago at the age of 99, felt that despite seeing automobiles, computers and television all come of age, the microwave oven was the thing that made the largest impact in her life as a housewife. Her husband was a doctor, and with his irregular hours, it was nearly impossible to have a hot dinner ready for him when he got home, but the microwave changed that completely. It was a revolution in the production of hot meals, which is something most of us take for granted.

Comment Solar cannot match our Energy Appetite (Score 1) 298

New York City and it's boroughs used 60 million MWH of power last year.
That means it would require 120,000 plants like the one mentioned to power NYC.
Seeing as the plant itself takes up 6,178 acres, and 640 acres equals a square mile...
120,000 x 6178 / 640 = Yup, we need a little over a million square miles of facility for NYC.
That's a little less than *one fourth* of the total surface area of the United States... for ONE city.

Comment Diethyl Ether ? (Score 2) 1081

Good old-fashioned inhaled Ether. The anesthetic properties preclude the possibility of pain, and increasing concentrations will cause sedation, unconsciousness and then respiratory paralysis (death). Literally painless. Just have to be sure the gas chamber doesn't accidentally explode.

Comment Disappointment (Score 1) 194

I, too, hate it when a film does not inspire.

The story of a man of vast intellect and education who is a virtuoso at his craft (also maligned and misunderstood by almost everyone) filmed carefully so as to make not only his massive intellect apparent, but also managing to paint him as warm and charming within his personal limits.

And yet, for all the success of the film, we just don't have as many Hannibal Lectors as you'd think...

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