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Comment Exercise Watch Potential (Score 4, Interesting) 327

Definitely something for the atypical slashdotter, but if Apple can bring something to the market which combines iOS, the Nike+t, the Fit Bit, and/or the Suunto Core they could potentially capture a good portion of the exercise watch / band market. Current options aren't truly versatile (e.g. hiking, running, backpacking, daily activity), but combine this with Apple's UI and they could produce a very interesting product that I'm likely to try.

Yes, I've looked at Motorola's GPS watches and was far from impressed.

Comment Easy Credit Course? (Score 1) 605

Sounds like a course for easy credits, so insert your own assumptions here and please be nice.

I finished my post-grad about a year ago at a highly ranked public university for my specific scientific field. The third/fourth year courses I taught had exceptionally bright students, where said courses were not easy credits. I would disagree with the premise of your statement based on experience, but I'm also distanced from public high schools. You may be seeing the effect of poor preparation at that level.

Comment The carriers don't care. (Score 2) 171

If the carriers were what most of us want, i.e. dumb pipes, then we could possibly own our phones and upgrade them in a much easier fashion (so long as the hardware manufacturer is still providing updates).

Verizon's treatment of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus has been an eye opening experience and I'm still trying to figure out an alternative solution.

Comment Why game on anything other than Windows? (Score 5, Interesting) 332

Because having the freedom to choose is good.

Disclaimer: I avidly use Steam on OSX, but I'm constantly frustrated with it's buggy state. If the linux client proves to be better over time (with a good offering of games) I'll be upgrading my linux box and going that route.

Comment Re:Tolkien, of course (Score 3, Interesting) 726

Thanks for sharing. My father read The Hobbit to me when I was about the same age as your son (~5 years old). I absolutely loved it and, when I was older, read LOTR on my own (still remember being mad that Bilbo wasn't the main character anymore), which started a long and interesting journey throughout the fantasy genre.

I'm sure the Harry Potter series would serve as a great starting point as well.

Comment Too Narrow (Score 2) 269

I would argue that placing emphasis only on the Turing test itself is a distraction from the broad field of AI. For example, there is a ton of really cool work coming from various labs ( http://www.ias.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/ , http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~pabbeel/video_highlights.html).

There are many achievements met and progress made, e.g. Peters group's ping pong robot, just not the ones researchers promised many years ago.

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