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Comment Re:Not a daily-use thing (Score 1) 54

As long as you stay to the right and allow faster traffic to overtake you on the left*, be my guest. And, to be very clear, this applies to any road with multiple lanes for one direction of travel, not just highways.

*This is for U.S. driving, the customary lanes for slower travel may vary in your country.

Comment Re:Why it doesn't matter (Score 1) 232

I don't think I know anyone who uses anything other than Redbox or Netflix to pay to rent new-release movies on DVD. I know lots of people who left Netflix's DVD mail service a couple years ago when Redbox came to town. The storefront of practically every Walgreens, CVS, grocery, and convenience store has one now.

You must live someplace with few Redbox machines.

Comment Re:not going to find it (Score 1) 361

Legal or not, it stands to reason that if you medium-shift something that
1) you have paid for and have proof you paid for, and
2) you aren't making any money by medium-shifting (i.e. not selling the original medium to someone else, or redistributing the digital copy)
then the original content owner has little reason to waste their time jumping on your back when they could find someone who is breaking one of those two rules and have an easy case.

Sure, it's legally shaky ground and the original content owners probably have better lawyers, but reason occasionally triumphs and it's fun to live dangerously.

Comment Re:From who? (Score 1) 361

Imagine what happens when most books are only available on e-readers and most e-readers no longer read the format the book was put out in (not so hard to imagine: think of some of the books that only exist on B&N Nook format and imagine that B&N goes under and nobody bothers to code a translator....

Good thing the B&N books are in ePub, a free and open e-book format, which is really pretty much just HTML and easily translatable.

Comment Re:Interesting trend. (Score 1) 192

I'm suprised 1998 is a common passcode, is this a birthdate?

I think it must be that the age bracket that has the greatest number of iPhone users also had significant life events in 1998. 30-31 year-olds graduated high school in 1998. Lots of 30-40 year-olds got married or had their first kid in 1998.

Comment Re:wait...broadcast TV is still alive? (Score 1) 187

Since broadcast went digital, I know lots of folks (me being just one) who dropped cable TV and busted out the rabbit ears. HD over-the-air + Netflix streaming + DVDs of whatever isn't available OTA or Netflix = happy wallet.

If the game is only on cable, go to a friend's house with cable or watch it at a sports bar for the price of some nachos.

Comment Re:Pointless. (Score 1) 327

1. You presume incorrectly: "Artists credits on the public domain orchestral reference work" is a big joke. Most recordings list no more than the conductor and name of the orchestra, and if they do list a complete personnel list almost no one cares. If they hire a major professional orchestra(s) to record these, merely being a member of that orchestra will be a better line on the resume. And if they hire a pick-up ensemble, it's going to be a big "who cares?" line on 80 people's resumes.
2. A recording project done by a bunch of amateurs (definition: people who just love the music and want people to hear it) is not going to have much viability. Sure, listening to a big-city community orchestra (or maybe even a crappy small-town group) live may sound pretty good in the moment, but once you listen to the recording a few times you'll notice how much better you'd enjoy a more polished recording of professionals who will require they be paid a reasonable wage for their time.

Comment Re:Great! (Score 1) 327

1. Even warhorse orchestral music requires some rehearsal to get the musicians on the same page regarding interpretation.
2. Other than the conductor, no individual musician in these recordings is going to receive one bit of publicity, certainly not publicity that would be worthwhile to do this gig for anything other than the pay scale a professional musician would expect to receive for any other recording gig.

Comment Re:There's nothing magical about 70% (Score 1) 617

The most obvious example of this not being true is the SAT. Average is 500 out of 800 which is 62.5%.

Actually, the SAT is on a 200-800 point scale, so 500 is the 50% mark on the scale. If I remember correctly (and assuming scoring is similar to when I last took the SAT about 12 years ago) SAT scoring is weighted: correct answers earn a raw point, incorrect answers lose fractions of a raw point, and skipping a question scores zero raw points. I seem to remember raw scores translate to actual scores on some kind of statistical model.

(Just a nit; not really disagreeing with your argument.)

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
