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Comment Re:No (Score 2) 601

The reason encryption hasn't taken off is that it's not done by default, and can't be enabled by clicking a checkbox.

Actually that's probably the most likely of scenarios. It's not easily integrated into everywhere you'd send an email from and therefore is inconvenient.

Comment SGA quote (Score 1) 737

Sound familiar?

McKAY: I should be in that meeting. I am the foremost expert on the defence capabilities of this city.

ZELENKA: You know how it is -- when military steps in, scientists take a back seat.

McKAY: Until they need us.

ZELENKA: I don't think they need us.

McKAY: Yeah, they don't think they need us, right up until the point that they need us, and then, they need us.

ZELENKA: Then they need us.

Comment Re:Are we really that stupid... (Score 1) 38

Ok, this is becoming a bitch fest. My point is, regardless of the wisdom that exists outside of my capacity, I still have the ability to make a decision based on the information that I expose myself to.

Whether that is a great decision or not, I AM the one that has to live with the consequences of that decision. Good or bad.

When someone else makes that decision for me, I have to live with the consequences of THEIR decision.

Hopefully I have made myself clear-er. I thought I made that point to begin with actually!

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