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Comment Got to love open source (Score 1) 112

It's classic "double-spending" - sure, I'll sell you my GPL-licensed DB! For millions of dollars? Absolutely! Sold!

I quit! Now let me fork the thing I just sold to you and keep developing it for free-as-in-beer and free-as-in-freedom.

Sigh. Silly multi-billion dollar multi-national corporation! I'll be really impressed when Monty Widenius sells MariaDB to Oracle. And then quits.

Comment Re:Butterfly effect. (Score 1) 291

I agree. Group behavior is much simpler than individual behavior. When people act in a group they become extensions of a system. When they act alone, they must justify (and rationalize) their action, and this process can become very complicated. For example, the health care Supreme Court decision. In-Trade got it completely wrong. Our modelling systems, which are well applied to aggregate decision-making, failed when trying to predict the actions of a single wildcard sitting on the Supreme Court, who acted unpredictably.

Comment Re:Advice: Overuse of the Red Channel in Colors (Score 1) 285

Ok, so make the Chinese version of Ubuntu red. Most American desktop operating systems use blue because Americans tend to find blue soothing. Facebook is in blue for a reason. (OR rather, Facebook stayed blue for a reason.) I'm not advocating American centrism, just locality based color decisions.

  If I was culturally raised to find red warm, cheerful, and positive then I would find it that way. So I'm not saying this is innate. There's just what some of us do, versus others do. I personally find red abrasive to look at, which is why I tend to use themes that utilize blue/

Comment Advice: Overuse of the Red Channel in Colors (Score 4, Interesting) 285

Red is the color of alarm, of fear. It is abrasive to the eyes and to our visual processing system and is often used to signify errors for these reasons.

I know it seems unoriginal but Ubuntu needs to move over to a blue/green color palette. Mac OS X and Windows screens heavily utilize blue for this reason. It is psychologically soothing. It makes you feel like you're awash in the operating system as opposed to standing apart from it. I think if Ubuntu switches over to bluish colors we'll see a sharp increase in adoption.

Comment Re:iPad with a keyboard? (Score 2) 425

You can always skip the handwriting recognition - just store them as hand-written notes using a paint program or some other solution. It won't help you with searching, but with cataloguing and retrieving it should be fine.

Others have probably mentioned this, but LiveScribe is also a really good example of a smartpen-only solution that will work to do this.

Comment Re:Not a troll but.... (Score 1) 708

If/when I no longer need to write stupid iOS apps for a living, I'll happily dual-boot to Linux and continue enjoying the excellent hardware.

Or...wait until desktop Linux can actually compete on the desktop with OS X, and then dual-boot. At work, I split my time between Ubuntu and OS X. The times when I'm forced to use Ubuntu drop my productivity in half. It's nothing major, but little touches that someone on the Mac side clearly thought about while on the Ubuntu side they didn't. For instance, why does the standard terminal in Ubuntu by default make you press Shift-Control-C and -V for Copy/Paste instead of just Control-C? And to those Ubuntu fanatics out there(if there are any left after Ubuntu decided to go with Unity) please don't tell me that because I can change it it's not an issue. Of course I can change it - but I shouldn't have to. It's an obvious convenience and design choice not to break a UI convention that's been in use on computers for almost two decades.

And in Unity, why do windows maximize when they're brought to the top of the screen? It's unbelievably annoying.

There are lots of other little examples. If Linux wants to compete on the Desktop it needs to think about UI consistency - or just common sense - from the user's perspective much more than it does now. Otherwise, it has no shot.

Comment Re:Hmm? TSA or Obamacare? (Score 5, Insightful) 175

The US government will never be put in charge of the US health care system. That was the whole take-away from the debate over health care law, remember? The bill that actually passed sets up a MARKETPLACE for PRIVATE INSURERS to SELL INSURANCE PRIVATELY to PEOPLE . That sounds like a conservative, market-based approach to me. That's probably because, oh wait, it is one - it's nearly identical to the system that Mitt Romney, a conservative Republican, put in place in Massachusetts, which, being identical, was also a conservative, market-based approach to universal health care. Mittens is now running away from his own law because 1) Obama passed a similar law 2) the crazy people who have taken over the Republican party can't even understand that, if they actually knew what their own principles were, THEY WOULD AGREE WITH IT. But for now their overriding, unthinking principle seems to be: We hate Obama, and if Obama did something, we hate that too.

I'm tired of know-nothing tea partiers trolling on this site. If you know nothing about something, try not to comment on it.

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