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Comment Re: Congressional fix? (Score 2) 217

That wasn't even what they were talking about. The 'death panels' was a requirement that coverage included sitting down with your doctor, possibly a counselor, your family, etc. when you had a fatal (or likely fatal) condition to discuss end-of-life care options. So you could make an informed decision about what you wanted.

How that got warped into 'the government's going to kill you', I have no clue.

Comment Re:Bush (Score 1) 248

Possibly true - but not on this issue, which is a change in FCC rules, which is part of the Executive branch. Congress might dictate rules to the FCC, but it hasn't on this issue so the change in stance is something Obama can do something about on his own.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 4, Insightful) 148

Probably: BSD license and guaranteed support for BSD unixes. The former occasionally matters to the people working on the BSDs, the latter definitely does. (And is notably lacking in many of the current desktop environments - even if they do work on BSDs, they are often missing features and poorly maintained, with no interest in providing better support.)

Comment Re:By this logic... (Score 1) 235

No, we weigh the cost of prosecuting a specific crime against the cost of not prosecuting it, and let some crimes slide.

So we spend a lot more time and effort prosecuting a murder than a jaywalker. Because it's worth more to stop the murderer.

(And when this gets out of whack, we have problems. Red light cameras, GPS devices on cars, and such are reducing the cost of prosecuting some crimes, and that is causing social problems as we start to prosecute crimes that we didn't before. A lot of the complaints about the TSA is that they don't care about the cost: They just purse to the hilt. And the NSA has the problem that they only count the direct monetary cost, not the social, diplomatic, or economic costs.)

Comment Re:Why OpenSSL is so popular? (Score 3, Insightful) 301

In this case though, general unit testing should have caught the bug: There's an option at compile time which, if used, caused the affected versions of OpenSSL to crash. (Because it disables the bug, and OpenSSL was relying on it in one location...) So, good unit testing would have helped.

Basically, unit testing should be able to tell you if you've implemented the algorithm competently. It doesn't say if the algorithm is any good, just that your version of it works to the spec.

Comment Re:That's Great, But... (Score 1) 242

Not a problem: Walmart is big enough to build a warehouse/distribution center near the docks or railyard, so you only have to move it a short distance in conventional trucks. They also have to unload and reload anyways: Most of their trucks are likely to have a full shipment for a particular store, not a full shipment of a single item. This truck would be for their own last-mile problem, considering they have stores just about everywhere.

So, for them, it might be a money saver. It doesn't have to work for anyone else.

Comment Re:3 Most destructive events in a planet's history (Score 1) 235

There's a fair number in the USA too - basically any attempt to teach Creationism in schools. Granted they don't get huge amounts of traction, but still get pushed and get a lot of attention, while environmental concerns get brushed aside as irrelevant or not practical.

Comment Re:3 Most destructive events in a planet's history (Score 1) 235

I wasn't referring to the Permian mass extinction event - I'm referring to the Permian itself. Coverage of people denying that it (and most of the rest of the Earth's history) even happened - and laws trying to force people to teach that - gets a lot more attention than trying to protect life on this planet.

Comment Re:Economically Inefficient (Score 2) 467

It could have been the debt collectors - if they can't collect the debt, they'll file charges I think.

That would be my guess at what happened - the video store went to a debt collector, who eventually went to the police. Each step is probably standard practice, and the amount or initial reason for the debt was likely irrelevant at the end; it was probably policy to send all noncollectable debts past a certain age to the police.

Comment Re:If this story is true.. (Score 1) 1034

Actually, the person themselves poked up in the comments and confirmed it. (And was talked to by the author of the story before they wrote it.) So we have better than usual chance that it's a true story, for a story on the Internet.

(It's even a blog I've read for years and trust, if that helps any.)

Comment Re:Floppy disks? (Score 1) 232

I said semi-embedded for a reason: I'm more thinking of hobiest/custom firewalls and routers. The ones from the factory tend to run a version of Linux or PFSense - But you can get similar devices from manufacturers without an OS that you can install your own OS onto.

Not that I'm sure I disagree with you. Just trying to think of a rational reason and give them the benefit of the doubt. However hard that is.

Comment Re:Floppy disks? (Score 1) 232

Well, I haven't followed the discussion, but I do know that one of OpenBSD's major markets is basically semi-embedded systems: Firewalls and routers. It's likely they won't have much in the way of external storage attachment, or much in the way of internal storage at all. Given that, it might make sense. I don't know.

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