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Comment Re:Usage based billing is efficient (Score 1) 117

I believe that the UBB plan had little or nothing to do with limited bandwidth. Bell and Rogers own TV channels and networks. They own both content and the means to distribute it. Enter new enterprises that offer content over the Internet, Netflix. I believe UBB is really about keeping control of content and eliminating any content competitors.


DHS Goes Ahead With 'Pre-Crime' Detection Project 438

suraj.sun tips news that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has begun testing its project to predict future crimes on members of the public. The Future Attribute Screening Technology (FAST) project is "designed to track and monitor, among other inputs, body movements, voice pitch changes, prosody changes (alterations in the rhythm and intonation of speech), eye movements, body heat changes, and breathing patterns." A field test was performed at a large venue earlier this year, and documents recently obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request indicate that testing is proceeding on other members of the public as well. "It's not clear whether these people were informed that they're participating in a FAST study."

Comment Good example of why a Mars base would be useful (Score 1) 204

Observations make it look like there might be some sort of water cycle going on on Mars. Now the question is can existing probes provide further evidence? If not is new probe required? If there was a human presence on Mars they could mount an expedition to investigate.

It's hard to put humans into space but, humans are so much more adaptable to changing mission parameters.

Comment Re:Don't sign it (Score 1) 355

You are failing to realize that the ball is in the recording industry's park, and the potential artist has no other real options.

How about get a day job? You make it sound like artists are homeless and destitute. Perhaps they are, as the saying goes, 'starving' but there is always another job out there. It may not be as glamorous as a record deal but there is still a choice to be made.


Skylon Spaceplane Design Passes Key Review 136

gbjbaanb writes "A revolutionary UK spaceplane concept has been boosted by the conclusions of an important technical review. Skylon is a design for a spaceplane that uses engines that work as normal jets near the ground and switch to rocket propulsion in the upper atmosphere. The concept means the plane will not have to carry as much fuel and so will not need disposable stages. It is estimated (by its developers) that the Skylon will drop the cost of delivering payloads to orbit from $15,000 per kilo to $1000."

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