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Comment Re: What about radio? (Score 1) 169

That's the way it SHOULD be.

Performances are naturally scarce, and can provide all the necessary funding.

Making things that are naturally abundant artificially scarce is wrong. It is economically wrong because it reduces our return on an already sunk investment, it is morally wrong because it causes needless hardship to massive numbers of people, and it is strategically wrong because cultured neighbours are safer neighbours to have than culturally starved savages.

There are valid arguments on the "for" side, but, in my judgement, they don't carry enough weight to overcome the "against" arguments.

Comment Re: Less accurate statement (Score 2) 303

It's either a feature or a bug.

I understand what you are saying, but language that makes the computer sound like an out of control actor makes me sound like I'm not in control of my job and my dog ate my homework, so I make an effort not to use it. I think it makes me look less professional. Language that involves me saying things like "I designed it that way for these justified reasons, but we can discuss changing it", or "I'm not sure why it's responding this way, but it's my screw up and these are the resources I need to try and fix it and this is my confidence that I will succeed, do you want me to try." project a better image.

Comment Re: Ya, Sure. (Score 1) 303

"The program doesn't know to check for the start date of a new lease when the old one expires, it just thinks it should activate it regardless."

What's wrong with "The program wasn't designed to check for the start date of a new lease when the old one expires, it just activates it regardless."

More accurate, less words, and no shifting responsibility for the situation to a "naughty program" in a manipulative subconscious effort to evade responsibility for what you built.

Comment Re: The problem with doxing (Score 3, Insightful) 171

If someone is a celebrity, they get to have an ongoing dialog with the public. If you create an ugly first impression around a person by cherry picking their lives for dirt, they don't have the same opportunity. Don't you think that's an important difference?

Having a criminal record that can be checked by those who have a personal interest in researching your character isn't the same as having someone run around shouting that you are a thief to everyone. Maybe it happened a long time ago and you're a changed man.

But generating shame by focusing busy strangers attention on an ugly part of your life, causing an impression to be formed in a vacuum by people who had no interest in knowing the details in the first place and who will never learn when and why to let go of that... That is truly horrible, and we need to put a stop to it.

Openness in general makes everyone safer, but people who shame others by name make life worse for us all.

Comment Re: So it's a library except digital with monthly (Score 1) 250

If 1/50 people write one book in their life, and 1/50 of them are good, and all of them get published because there is zero barrier to entry, we would have so many more books that were good than we do now.

People have more free time and better access to distribution than before. You're not entitled to your streetlamp lighting job, you know.

Comment Re:Clickbaiting Bullshit Works (Score 4, Insightful) 224

Doesn't anyone else see that it's immoral to press, entice or implore a woman to sacrifice her child bearing years so she can fix your computer, or to let other people do so?

Didn't the article about how Facebook is funding freezing womens eggs wake anyone's eyes up to just how fucked up we've become?

Is that what you want for your daughter? Sure as hell isn't what I want for mine.

If that's what you're going to use your power for, you shouldn't have it.

Comment Re:I never have understood (Score 2, Interesting) 265

Read up on Henry Kissinger. His conspiracy with the Saudi's created the situation, which really amounted to theft on a global scale by the US.

The war in Iraq happened mostly because they were going to start selling oil for Euro's.

In a nutshell, the reason the world has a fetish for the US dollar is that every time someone offers to sell energy for anything else, the US bomb the shit out of them.

You think we like accepting your funny money in exchange for real world goods, knowing that it will never be redeemed for real world good from the US, but will instead be passed around like a cheque that never gets cashed?

We don't.

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