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Comment Re:eBay... (Score 5, Insightful) 291

Just because something is worth a certain amount, does not mean it can be sold for that amount or that it is worth the time to sell something or warehouse it for years. Grandpa still has his tubes from his tv repair days. They are doubtlessly worth thousands. But, no one will pay fair value for them in bulk and it would take hundreds if not thousands of hours to sell them individually on ebay. It would have been better for him to sell them when he retired, even at a loss, and invest the money.

Comment Nightstands (Score 1) 284

My alarm clock is a touchpad with wireless charging. Who wants to fumble with fragile cables/docks in the dark? I'm looking forward to having a wireless charging phone again for the same reason, Docks and ports break easily and I do not want to deal with them when half awake. In my bedroom, I want easy access to devices in the dark. The rest of the time, I use wires. Kind of like asking why people want wireless internet or audio, there are places where wireless is worth the hastle.

Comment Correlation is not causation (Score 1) 131

The article is rather neutral, but the premise is being misinterpreted. This is comparing the genetic mutations of older fathers, not the genetic mutations of older men relative to their younger days. A man more susceptible to mild genetic abnormalities may be a late bloomer who takes years longer to be comfortable in social and family settings, resulting in him becoming a father later. If a slightly odd duck doesn't manage social situations well until they are later in life, doesn't this mean older fathers would be more likely to pass on genetic mutations? Also, women are typically accepted more in social situations they younger they are, regardless of whether they are slightly different or not. It is much harder for young men then young women, but then the roles reverse. Young women's main problem is keeping people away from them. A clean, polite, well-established older man has a much easier time socially than a similarly positioned and aged woman. I for one am looking forward to being an older man of leisure.

Then again, they seem to have compared against mutations in the children which don't exist in the parents. But did they take multiple genetic readings of the parents, or simply compared the child's readings against the different readings from when the older parent was a child?

Comment Re:300-400 dollars buys a lot of paper books (Score 3, Informative) 415

My Kobo came with 100 (free) books pre-installed and I have read through about 20 of them so far. Having a good e-Reader makes Project Gutenberg books (free) easy to read, and there are about 40,000 books available, I have read about 10 so far. There are many great $1 dollar books available online. Given my Kobo cost me $80, I have broken even and saved money already, not to mention the tremendous convenience. I am also reading things I wouldn't have read otherwise, that I wanted to read. It wasn't worth spending $7 to buy a copy of Anna Karenina, but it was a worthwhile read at no-cost except for the reader which was already paid for.

Comment Get both (Score 5, Informative) 415

Get both. A $70-$120 dollar e-reader and a $330 to $280 tablet. e-Readers are bad for surfing the web or any interactive work, they are also bad for any graphical reading. Tablets are bad for long-term reading, both in strain on the eyes and they tend to go to sleep before wordy pages can be read, not to mention who wants to recharge multiple times to finish a book, and are worthless in sunlight, and Tablets are heavy.

I have a Second-gen Kobo I got on sale as Borders was going out of business. And, I have a HP Touchpad I bought as HP discontinued the product line. Together they cost less than $350. Watch for a sale, the previous generation devices can always be found cheap.

Both the tablet and e-Reader grew on me and I reach for each at different times. I keep both with me almost all of the time. My certification/professional work all ends up on the Tablet for the graphics. O'Reilly publishes their e-books without DRM, so I can put books on both and use whichever works best in a given situation. I wasn't too sure about the e-Reader until I went on a trip without it, I was miserable in an 8-hour layover without it. The Tablet I liked immediately, and have it dual booting between WebOS and Android. The E-Reader ends up with most fiction and non-technical non-fiction, I have downloaded about as many Gutenberg Press books as for pay books off of O'reilly, Google, and Kobobooks. I spend about an hour with each device EACH day. I also have learned to build my own Android APPs and ePub books, not that difficult.


Facebook Abstainers Could Be Labeled Suspicious 625

bs0d3 writes "According to this article printed in, not having a Facebook account could be the first sign that you are a mass murderer.(German) As examples they use Norwegian shooter Anders Breivik, who used MySpace instead of Facebook and the newer Aurora shooter who used adultfriendfinder instead of Facebook. They already consider those with Facebook accounts, who lack friends to be suspicious, but now they are suggesting that anyone who abstains from Facebook altogether may be even more suspicious."

Comment Re:dd (Score 1) 547

Yes, do this. Logged in to make sure someone included this. DSL on a thumb drive works well for wiping. If you're trying to be nice, do a mkfs.ntfs on the drive afterwards. Also, try to avoid wiping the boot sector. They should be installing a fresh image afterwards, so wiping the drive shouldn't matter. There is also a good chance this system will end up auctioned or recycled, so you're also protecting the company by wiping the drive.

Submission + - Google Released Google Maps for NES (

caffiend666 writes: "In our pursuit of new digital frontiers, we realized that we may have left behind a large number of users who couldn't access Google Maps on their classic hardware. Surprisingly, the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was unsupported, despite its tremendous popularity with over 60 million units sold worldwide."

"Our engineering team in Japan understood the importance of maps on retro game systems. With the power of Google’s immense data centers, and support from Nintendo and Square Enix, we were able to overcome the technical and design hurdles of developing 8-bit maps. Today, we’re excited to announce the result: a version of Google Maps for NES, with beautiful low-res graphics, simple and intuitive controls, and a timeless soundtrack."


Submission + - Man claims caffeine insanity (

caffiend666 writes: "A Kentucky man accused of strangling his wife is poised to claim excessive caffeine from sodas, energy drinks and diet pills left him so mentally unstable he couldn't have knowingly killed his wife, his lawyer has notified a court."..."Dr. Roland Griffiths, a professor of behavioral biology at Johns Hopkins University has noted in an unrelated study that there is a diagnosis for "caffeine intoxication," which includes nervousness, excitement, insomnia and possibly rambling speech." Personally, I just blame 'dark roasts'.

Comment Re:Good hygiene, don't be a know it all. (Score 1) 842

Know it all? I do that at work, tell people to RTFM. Basically, I wrote the manuals. And, I wrote the manuals so I wouldn't have to remember this stuff. What's the option for running the process against a whole customer? I look it up. What's the environment variable that has to be set for the command to run? I look it up. I found it out, and wrote down the information in a shared manual. SO I WOULDN'T HAVE TO REMEMBER someone else's bad scripting habits and inconsistencies.

They can spend a minute searching for it in the document. Or, they can spend an hour trying to get a-hold of me to ask me to spend a minute looking it up for them. Who's time is more valuable? Surely not theirs if they don't keep good notes, don't share them, and spend an hour looking for someone when it takes a minute to answer on their own.

No, I don't know that stuff. That's why I wrote it down. I'M NOT THEIR FUCKING RESEARCH ASSISTANT, their SECRETARY, their PEON, or their FATHER. They are trying to waste my time, like they do their own.

I put up with this from my boss. He can't even keep track of his own email messages some times. Put, I provide them with a smile. If someone is new and they genuinely haven't asked a question before, I answer and show them how to look it up on their own. A $17 dollar an hour contractor who can barely spell computer or read the screen will be shown the door all the quicker once they've used up their dumb questions.

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