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Comment Re: Were these .... (Score 1) 105

Yes they are... in most banks, at least. Actually I have one bank account that is a net gain for me, because I get a smallish percentage back on direct debit bills (basically utilities), and the fees for everything I usually do (credit card paid off end of month after my salary comes in, debit card, www and app access, national and international SEPA transfers) are zero.

Comment Not surprising there are so few senders (Score 1) 43

There are companies that specialize in issuing takedown requests. I work for a company that has many end users connecting and trusting us with their money, so a lot of scammers make look-alike pages to try to trick people. We employ a company that monitors lots of sources (for example SSL cert creations and spamtraps) for attempts to phish our brands, and issue takedowns. Works well. The company has lots of clients. I imagine it counts for only one "sender".

Comment Re:I'm not in China (Score 1) 47

Once the "final" season is over, I guess I will probably binge the whole thing.

Same here. I had my credit card out, ready to buy it, and I tried three different places (reputable places! My country's exclusive distributor, my ISP/TV company, and HBO directly), but none of them wanted my money, for different reasons. So if they don't want my money... they're not getting it. I have friends who will buy the DVD set when it comes out, I'll just borrow it, nah.

Comment Personal messages among co-workers... (Score 3, Informative) 132

I was giving a presentation to higher-ups AND to senior people we were the clients of. My big mistake was setting up the projector before setting up the presentation. The link to the presentation was in my mail, but when I went to get it, a colleague had just sent me a mail with a funny/sexy picture which got displayed on the big screen X-{

Nobody said anything, but I think everybody saw it.

Moral: set up your presentation *before* you connect to the projector (and shut off your mail etc. when you project, of course). Also keep NSFW in your personal accounts, because hey, that's the definition of NSFW.

Comment Video game music can improve concentration (Score 4, Informative) 145

I work in a noisy environment (lots of people talking about interesting things that I'm not supposed to listen to), so noise-cancelling headphones are a godsend. They need some sound to work well, though.

After reading this article I decided to try to listen to video game music while working instead of the usual classic concentration tracks. I do not need to be relaxed to work, on the contrary. After having tested video game music for a few weeks, I feel it makes a big positive difference.

Comment Re:Lowest possible amateur level (Score 1) 252

These supposed crypto experts have never even heard of a physical HSM with multi-key.

They have never heard of bitcoin multi-sig or Shamir's Secret Sharing either. (For perspective, bitcoin multi-sig was created in 2012, and Shamir is the S in RSA, his SSS algorithm was published in 1979).

Slightly reduced life expectancy

However, for Chrohn's disease, accidents happen. I don't know that it would be so sudden as to prevent him gasping out the password to someone, though, but probably your clients are the last thing on your mind when suddenly confronted by your own mortality.

Comment The opposite (Score 4, Funny) 258

I'm reminded of the opposite story: someone forgets their password to the DNA site, and (instead of resetting the password) creates another account, sends in new DNA... and later calls their kid saying that it's incredible, wonderful, this DNA site has found that I have an identical twin somewhere!

Comment France went to 4.5 days a week (Score 1) 147

France had a 39-hour week, variously interpreted as eight-hour days and leave an hour early on Fridays, or 5 equal days of 7 hours 48 minutes, or (often) as "a minute here or there doesn't really matter, just work".

Almost 20 years ago France moved to 35 hours, with no change in monthly pay, recommending (I think it was a recommendation) that work days continue to be 8 hours but that employees be given whole days in proportion. The legislator (quite correctly IMHO) estimated that 48 minutes less per day would not have a real effect, being lost in overtime and "we don't count minutes". Since no general standard was enforced, this was variously applied as "one half day off every week", "one day off every two weeks", "two days off per month", and "we have an exemption so you continue working 39 hours but we'll have to pay you more". Also as "You will now work 35 hours for the same pay, this is marvelous country-wide social advancement that you should be very happy about, we're really sorry about the 32-hour week you had before but it's the law, you know", which caused some sour glares from postal workers.

20 years later, I don't know the exact results of the studies made (there have been lots), but it is sure that nobody is going back. Kids were already on 4 1/2 day school schedules, and parents are happy about spending more time with their kids (or paying less babysitting), other parents get time off when the kids are at school, and more simply people have gotten used to being able to take a day off now and then, to go to the doctor's or any other professional or shop not open on Saturdays, or just to do housework or work on a hobby.

Comment Re:Number 1 tab hoarder here.... (Score 1) 82

Not opening duplicate tabs (unless I really want it, which I sometimes do) is a feature I've wanted for a long time!

As for fixed tab width, I'd prefer a button to list all my tabs with the full name in some dropdown, for use when there gets to be so many tabs that the titles disappear. An automatically maintained folder in the tab or bookmarks bar would be perfect.

I've spent the last week editing and copy-pasting between several dozen Google Docs and spreadsheets, and both these features were sorely missed.

Comment When they fix the bugs, not before (Score 1) 73

These are lists of bugs in just gnome-shell. The reading is terrifying for people who actually want to work with Ubuntu. Some were known before releasing 18.04 "LTS", are still not fixed, and force me to avoid using full-screen video and to reboot my Ubuntu VM very regularly. Luckily I don't depend on Ubuntu for work, it's just a VM...


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