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Comment But do any have touch screens? (Score 2) 84

I've been using linux on an HP Dragonfly Elite and the touch screen support from Gnome is pretty impressive. I don't think I'd want to go back to a non-touchscreen environment so have been keeping an eye out for one. So far, I haven't found one. The HP Dev One looked great but again, they neglected to include it.

Comment I want to eat meat/fish (Score 5, Interesting) 393

I want to eat meat. I will never become a vegan, because I need meat (my levels of B12 and iron constantly falling if I don't eat enough meat, and I rather get it from real food rather than vitamin pills). Find a way to make it sustainable then. It's not a solution to telling everyone to "stop eating meat". I rather have free range or wild, sustainable, organic meat, than industrialized meat. But to not have any at all, is not an option.

Comment Re:Good (Score 1) 312

I personally *despise* the episodic model. I'm all for the serialized one, and in fact, except Netflix's offerings, the serialized versions found on networked shows pale in comparison (in terms of serialization that is). I'm one of those people who really enjoyed the serializing nature of LOST (minus the disastrous 6th season). I absolutely never watch episodic television. I find it cheap, and non-artistic. In a perfect world, I'd like most TV shows (not all, but most) to end in 3 seasons: beginning-middle-end. And each season to comprise from 6-9 episodes: beginning-middle-end. Like a book.

Comment Re:Loaded Question (Score 1) 166

The particular behavior you describe is typically a product of "lazy loading" where site operators try to cut down on either initial load time or bandwidth by only loading part of the page on the initial request, then filling in the blanks as you scroll down. It's annoying as hell, but it's fortunately not really part of responsive design.

Responsive design is great when executed with any level of care.

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