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Comment Re: There's slow news date, ... (Score 1) 80

And restored by the new canon. Of course the Empire didn't die in a day. If Trump dies on his toilet today, does anyone think we wouldn't see every MAGA hat in existence being worn tomorrow? And that's without holographic proof that Garland didn't throw him down the toilet and explode Mar-a-Lago.

Comment Re: Correlation [of eggs and chickens] (Score 2) 149

The dossier that says a known associate of Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton, that has committed adultery with multiple porn starts, owns a beauty pageant, and creeps on his daughter also got peed on by a different porn star and the Russians happened to film it? The only part of this I find hard to believe is that the Russians haven't released it yet, which just implies he's still doing what they want. And what he's currently doing is to undermine our democracy, so. . . yeah, it still rings true. Of course, I'm a gun-loving libertarian, so you weren't actually talking about me anyway.

Comment Re:Has something changed? (Score 1) 27

Amyloid plaques (such as the beta protein sheets referred to in TFA) have long been associated with Alzheimer's. Grant authors and journalists often act like it's the end-all-be-all, but the sad fact is that every treatment for Alzheimer's (the great majority targeting amyloids) has failed.


Aducanumab, the $56k/year drug approved by the FDA last year, targets these proteins, and it was such a poor decision that three members of the FDA advisory committee resigned. Medicare has since severely restricted paying for the drug, despite the approval.

Comment Re: The plastics industry seems to have become laz (Score 4, Informative) 113

As a former polymer chemist that worked on using phthalates for food packaging, they are fantastic. Nothing else has come close to the characteristics and cost ratio (or at least hadn't ten years ago).

Plus, as the article mentions, we still don't have a mechanism for biological interference, only correlation. As someone said above, people are dying earlier because they eat lots of TV dinners and potato chips. That's a hard thing to suss out.

Comment Re: Revenue Stream (Score 1) 63

Except when you "buy" digital copies, you are only renting them until the IP holder pulls off that service. I usually buy movies rather than renting them as I tend to watch old films that are only a dollar or two more, but I've had a few now that Amazon has pulled off my list, and I'm back to pirating now because of that.

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