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Comment Re:How do you balance this? (Score 2) 200

Search YouTube for 'flywheel trebuchet' by Tom Stanton. I don't know that it's relevant to the concept in TFA, but it's cool to watch: the stored flywheel energy is almost entirely dumped into the KE of the projectile, although the flywheel moment of inertia and the projectile weight have to be carefully matched.

Comment To see what happens ... (Score 2) 117

... I let my mobile phone predict entire sentences, it having learned (I suppose) from recent messages I had sent. It's disturbing and funny at the same time:

Yes I am that you can get the encrypted file is still in town? I'm going shopping for tomatoes. Would you want me to feed the cats this is going on. Don't worry I hope you got a start to evolve flippers and I are thinking about hiking with you. Furthermore, and that's what time are you leaving? Twenty minutes of you journeying through it was odd and ice, but I have to say that hi-tech get the encrypted data backup and a flashlight. Finally got a good time there anything you need to! Sorry about the outlook for a while, I thought sausage n chips and a good time there was something amiss in your garage door is painted the phone to see you all those we love from mum and a flashlight. Easter eggs and best wishes for her lunch break down the garden. See you later! When does the new baby daughter of course I haven't been able to be there in time to reach the station. Question for the morning, but I don't want to get very close to those salt and pepper shakers. Cheddar and it's a good day for me to come over for a little late night in the garden and anchor the phone with the bath tub, I just picked it up and down the day before.

Comment Re:Was just thinking about WW II when I saw this. (Score 1) 334

> UK's current electricity consumption is about 5 GW

UK electricity generation in 2018 fell 1.6 percent to 333 TWh, the lowest level since 1996 [1]

A bit of arithmetic
$ echo $((333000/365/24))
indicates that that is equivalent to 38 GW, hour in, hour out throughout the year. Peak power capacity is obviously much more than that.

[1] https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/820708/Chapter_5.pdf

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 42

Also, prior art. I have literally just bought a Motorola One Zoom [1], the blurb for which says "the iconic Motorola logo on the back of the device doubles as an LED notification light" [emphasis added] [2] which functions as a notification.
[1] https://blog.motorola.com/2019/09/05/motorola-one-zoom-perfect-every-perspective/
[2] OK, it's not shaped like a bitten apple, but I imagine that's not one of Apple's patent claims.

Comment Re:Source? [ECHR] (Score 1) 251

> Who?
Probably the Attorney General at the time the Bill becomes law
>is that even relevant
(i) The United Kingdom is and remains a full member of the European Union, right up to the point when it leaves, which is probably two years away.
(ii)The European Convention on Human Rights is independent of the European Union. Unless Parliament repeals the UK Human Rights Act, the ECHR will continue to be relevant.

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