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Comment Re:I am not an expert on radiation by any means (Score 1) 111

>>> I am not an expert on radiation by any means....

Then you should work for Tepco or the Japanese governement... your seems to have the same skillset...

With maybe too much common sense...

The japanese refused the help from the French when they offered to send their nuclear disaster radiation hardened robots...
(Because, YES radiation is pounding on electronic, but shielding a robot is not rocket surgery, at least when you prepare for the problem before it happens when you have time to develop, test and build properly a solution instead of waiting for the whole plant to be on fire)

Now , 1 year later... hem... 1 year too late... they come up with a new way to risk human life in order to win porkbarrell contract to sell their nonsensical exoskeleton...

Way to go people...

If only Mc Arthur could come back to fix this mess...

Comment Re:Chernobyl... (Score 0) 201

Yea, comparison with Chernobyl were totally unnecessary. Chernobyl was a limited release from a plant operating a residual power (around 7%). All population was evacuated the next day from aroun d the plant and after one month a full concrete sarcophagus was build to contain any new release.

While in Fukushima... despite all "speedy" wind data information, nobody was evacuated from under the plume. The reactor were at production level power and attempting to scram, damaged already by the quake (who was much lower at the location of the plant than in the ocean and well within the expected norm) the tsunami just ruined any chances of quick cold shutdown. Several days into the crisis nobody knew what to do or what was happening. Briliant propagandist from the governement are still parading saying that stress in more dangerous than cesium137 escaping from the plant. CHILDREN from nearby cities are used to clean up the contaminated soil (because, might as well go FULL RETARD). They now want to incinerate radioactive debris all over japan as sign of solidarity. CHERRY ON THE CAKE the spend fuel pools are still FULL, barely cooled and no longer able to withstand anykind of new earthquake.

So enjoy your "nuclear is cheap and safe" while it last, because 1 year later... nothing is over...

FULL blow by blow account of the event for the last year here on an expat forum:

Comment Re:No more hours of downtime (Score 1) 219

It seems like Microsoft is really going out of it's way to innovate in Windows 8. I just hope both Apple and Linux developers would add something similar, as it's hard drive failure can lead to huge problems. Yes, you can use RAID or something, but that will bring costs significantly up. It's better to see these things before failure actually happens.

How can blatant astroturf posts be +5 intredasting ?

Seriously, it read like a lazy marketing blurb...

This OR people never heard aboot S.M.A.R.T. reporting...

Comment Re:Crank or coverup (Score 5, Interesting) 204

The fun fact with this accident was the number of people telling you so BEFORE the accident...

And the number of idiot saying it was a 1 in a 1000 year event... while the last huge tsunami at this place was 1100 years before... AND SO WAS FOOKING OVERDUE. And when you check with the previous tsunami in 889 (around) it's exactly the same extend and the same level of flooding.

So it's not even telling so before...

It's just looking back at the previous shrine comemorative of the event and going back to the drawing board...

The bigger problem is that these irresponsible bean counting punks discredited the whole nuclear industry. Areva should ask compensation from Tepco because of potential reduced business opportunities.

Comment Re:Balancing risk vs. reward indeed (Score 1) 204

Lies, big lies and statistics... There is always a retard to get almighty behind some numbers.
Look, the number of unicorn killed by nukular is also quite low. Now look at the clusterfark that the region around the plant is, compare this to the size of Japan and STFU. Or if you want to have fun, calculate how much of Japan would be unlivable if the death per terrawatt-hour was the same as coal.

Comment Re:pravda.JP (Score 0) 120

There have been quite some big dam failure including 1 in France (under De Gaulle I think, wikipedia on Malpasset dam: ). But when a damn fail... you drown... and when the water is gone you can rebuild few month later without much afterthough... No need to close for decades or century huge part of the country or argue endlessly how much radiaoctive ood you can eat before glowing in the dark with lecturing morons across the globe saying that the potatoes emit less than a chest Xray anyway... Discarding the fact that a chest XRay is an extremly short blow and vital organs are protect by the skin or lead apron... while the potatoe will radiate internally and radioactive isotope will stay forever damaging your DNA from inside...

Comment Re:pravda.JP (Score 3, Informative) 120

You got wrong from the first statement, so I wont bother with the rest of your rant:

The earthquake was 9 at the epicenter. Far from Fukushima Daiichi (150km) were it was much much lower (6+) hence the problem for Tepco.

Bias is cute... but sometimes check a bit more before posting it...

All the other statement you make have no backing or reference to be check except the cute but limited in it's scope XKCD graph... I know XKCD reference are usually thread winning arguments on Digg on fark but I expect better here.

Just know that as of today the Jgov is insisting on spreading radioactive waste in standard recycling plants all over japan spreading pollution everywhere and that farmer are growing rice and vegetables on contamined soil and selling them everywhere. Most supermarket now openly lie about the origine of the farm product they sale to protect their profit. Aeon group has been cought red handed several times already including for vegetables harvested during the short timespan where it was illegal to sell product from fields near Daiichi.

Go to, there is a LONG thread were all your claims have already been considered and burried deep to the earth core...

To finish:
>>Fukushima (where nobody died)
You should have started here... would'nt have wasted more time with your shortsighted ness... After all, Chernobyl only killed 40 people... why should we even care...

Comment pravda.JP (Score -1, Flamebait) 120

Putting any statement from one of the clowns from Tepco is just one step UNDER reporting a batboy headlinefrom weekly world news. Those guys are professionnal liers with ENORMOUS interest in asserting that no damage was done by the quake and all was fault of what they claim was a highly unprobably strong tsunami. If any rpoof arise from damage by the quake it would compromise all safety claims made toward japanese nuclear program.

As for those claiming that nuclear is safe because even with this accident everything is fine... just read a little more about all the food and radiation scandals going on. And realise that it's not over yet... For the comparison with Chernobyl... at least the Russian evacuated cities and got the plant under cocoon in less than 9 month, here the japanese are still in denial and only accept to acknowledge problems when they are cought red faced. Seriously, read a little more with carefull distance and neutrality on the topic from a wider panel of sources including ex-skf blog and fukushima diary...

Comment Not in France (Score 1) 948

I remember more problem for not taking vacation than anything else. (Job was cool, no family... so work was family).

At the end of the year usual convocation on the staff manager office... With obligation to take the whole 5 weeks at once (usually end november/ december to hybernate)... Sometimes could negociate to be paid a 13th month instead but it was a grey area...

When the law oblige you to give your employee the vacations... there is nothing companies can do against it... (without triggering a legal shitstorm at every inspection of the books)

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