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Comment FairEmail is absolutely superior (Score 1) 78

Google is evil. Plain and simple.

FairEmail is utterly superior in every way imaginable.

This is a deliberate attempt to get rid of competition. This is the standard Google playbook.

K9email is in no way a substitute.

By way of disclosure, I paid the FairEmail fee. Its worth every cent.

Comment Re: No, that doesn't seem reasonable (Score 3, Insightful) 358


DNS by itself wont do much. It will just branch to an AltDNS.

Revocation of the CA's/certs/SSL/TLS would be a catastrophe for them.

This affects everything now... EVERYTHING relies on the certs.... even email delivery now that DMARC, DKM and SPF are a thing.

This seems like the correct response.

Comment Why do the people of the USA tolerate this? (Score 1) 58

The blatant Double-Speak of these organisations is utterly revolting.

"which is why we've transparently and consistently shared data on our safety readiness with the public," Waymo spokesperson Nicholas Smith said via email when asked about the suit."

When asked about why they want to engage in a COMPLETE COVERUP they instead roll out some marketing bullshit about openness.

Why do you tolerate such pure evil?

Comment Deutsche Bank Research? (Score 3, Insightful) 331

How about we close the research arm of Deutsche Bank and spread those salaries around to help those who can't work from home -- like (main lobby) bank tellers, drive through tellers, janitors, IT staff, and many others? It makes as much sense as taxing work from home employees and giving it to others who can't work from home, forced out due to redundancy, or any other issue. That is just Socialism under the guise of a tax with shiftily crafted words to try and make it not look like Socialism.

Comment Re:North Korean propagandist? (Score 1) 239

Doing the admin for your mum barely qualifies.

Uptime is meaningless. Its a laptop, not a server.

Have your mum add a new printer she bought from the store. Yeah, not.

I've been using Linux for longer than you've probably been alive. In fact, I wrote some of the very first printer drivers for early Canon bubblejets. This whole horseshit of "Linux Is A Desktop" has been going for 25 years. Man, it ain't, it still ain't and its hideous. Its as ugly as fuck.

As a server, yes, unconditionally a yes... for a system your mum can set up herself. Nope. 100% nope.

Comment Re:First question (Score 3, Interesting) 466

and rubbed it in the face of 1960s, Jim Crow America.

Yes, they did, and please tell me how many times TOS made mention of that fact on the show? Did Uhura ever say "because I'm black"? Was it ever even mentioned? I don't remember it. Just like Sulu being Asian or Chekov being Russian or any number of other things. ST: TOS did these things SUBTLY and EFFECTIVELY.

I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that Discovery will not only rub it in the face of 2020 America, but will try to force your mouth open and then shove it down your throat. THAT is the difference. Subtle but there versus overt and obnoxious. Don't scream "I'm X" at me; I'm an adult, intelligent, and have empathy -- I'll figure it out through your actions, my observations, and, in the case of TV, through good storytelling.

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