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Comment Re:Now you can do "ls -al" in windows (Score 3, Informative) 101

powershell scripting is overly verbose. in PS you can do "cat (Get-PSReadLineOption).HistorySavePath" whereas linux it's just "history". This is one of DOZENS of ridiculously long commands that should, by default, have a more succinct alias to it. Sure you can create your own aliases but you shouldn't have to manage a dotfile config you pull from github or something.

Comment Re: Biased (Score 0, Troll) 171

And statistically they're the reason for a significant amount of crime, especially when they bus around from a city to suburban areas. I live in an area with many of Robert Moses' projects and frankly I'm glad those bridges are low. Without that buffer the crime in my area would undoubtedly spike as it has others in my area that don't have such limitations. No thank you. As far as I'm concerned, Robert Moses is a name for good for his projects and the side-effect of keeping crime to a minimum.

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