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Comment I accidentally made one of these (Score 1) 129

I have an old ultrasonic cleaning tank down in my workshop and I noticed that when it is running, it completely jams my phone's audio pickup within an eight foot or so radius. The phone uses a MEMS based microphone and I was actually concerned that it might damage the cantilever so I have been keeping it away from that area when it is running.

Comment Re:Already out of stock (Score 2) 88

Oh, obviously.

AM/FM was degraded by the digital subchannels stealing bandwidth. 8-Track was a joke from day one and I still have a case of them along with a player and the splicing die because that's just how I roll.

As for phase issues, it's tough to tell when they are in different rooms, but you can adjust the delay in 1 ms increments if there's a problem.

Mostly I play old records unless I want background music around the house all day long. I still crank up the Victrola now and then for that genuine 1:1 uncompressed analog experience.

Comment You can ultrasonically jam them too (Score 1) 116

I noticed that when I am running my ultrasonic cleaner, Siri becomes almost completely unable to recognize my words. It knows I am speaking and detects word breaks but the accuracy drops to the point of uselessness even 5-6 feet from the source of the sound.

I haven't checked but it should be running in the 35-40 KHz range.

Comment Verizon is trying to get rid of PPPOE (Score 2) 180

I have had FiOS as long as anyone. The original deployment used PPPOE encapsulation for traffic, and required your router to sign in before getting an IP address.

Newer installs are regular Ethernet and simply rely on the router MAC address for access control. PPPOE and Ethernet configurations are currently co-existing on the FiOS network I am using, I can use both at the same time with two routers, one with DHCP and the other with PPPOE.

They are maintaining dual infrastructures with entirely separate public IP address ranges. While charging their customers to encourage them to get rid of the legacy ActionTEC routers is annoying, they did send me a new one for free. I'll possibly set it up some day if I am forced to.

Comment nearly back to 4:3 with 2 side by side (Score 1) 567

I use two 24" 1920x1200 screens in portrait mode side by side. That gets me 1900x2400 viewable with a vertical bar down the center. They are IPS panels so the viewing angle is fine in that orientation.

Putting the two monitors side-by-side in landscape or mixed was not going to happen at my desk so this was just sort of a happy discovery. With the nearly square aspect, it fits into the corner where the old CRT used to put it's backside and I still get lots-o-dots to look at.

I usually end up working with 4 windows tiled equally across the two panels, or a document maximized on one side while working on the other.

I spent entirely too much time scaling and cropping an antique world map with the side-by-side globes to perfectly span the two screens with the fold lost in the vertical bar. If nothing else it is a real attention-getter.

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