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Comment pickles (Score 1) 240

So when we were cave tree men we probably used to bash each other in the head on a daily basis but we didn't worry about it too much as we rarely lived past 30yrs. In an activity which involves alot of bashing there is no way to protect the brain except maybe to limit the frequency and allow for more than proper recovery for the noticeable incidents. So for the NFL, make it a once a month sport with 3 weeks off after every game ... And more experimentally Pickle the head bones to make them softer?

Comment Re:Comparison of me vs my brother (Score 1) 178

Yeah I hated school except for the technical classes, but still ended up with an masters in CS. I payed my own way managing a grocery store so didn't feel guilty when I flunked things like PE classes for not showing up enough despite blowing every one away in the 1.5 mile run etc. If someone else were paying I'd have tried harder.

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