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Comment Re:Eat your own dogfood, jerks (Score 1) 274

I don't even see the point about broadband access have anything to do with this, this is about the new web devices, the article stated itself that the industry body support parts of this law. Your free market libertarian approach isn't going to shield every segment of the society. I am not advocating that the government have to do everything but the original poster threw a general blanket of "economy-destroying" law on the productivity class. That is absurd.

Comment Re:I expect so... (Score 3, Insightful) 502

The population ratio would probably be roughly equivalent in the last few decades yet US and a few other "rich" countries were able to maintain their scientific lead in the past. The point here is not that we expect the US to be the leader of everything but that there seems to be a large drop off in scientific/research investment in the last decade. We also see a drop in the quality of education (i.e. why are we still arguing about evolution in 20XX) standards and that will have a long term effect.

Comment Re:Just another day (Score 1, Insightful) 1011

Oh I don't know, were you in a coma for the last couple of years ? I just find it really funny that the new stratergy now is to call into question the honesty and ethics of the researchers or basically personal attacks instead of challenging the freaking DATA. Denier still know what data is defined as right ?

Comment Just another day (Score 5, Insightful) 1011

This is just another sissy-fit thrown by the denier groups that are willing to use any tactics to distract people from the real issue. If there was any substance to these email, they would've produced the evidence by now. A few sentences blown out of context from a few cherry picked emails are merely red-herring.

Comment Re:Do not want!! (Score 3, Insightful) 183

Comparing the price of a base PS3 to XBox360 is quite frankly ridiculous. The extra features of the base machine offered is completely different, if you get the Xbox 360 with the addtional attachment cost included, comparing the cost would than be more realistic. I do think that the PS3 price need to come to but not necessarily down to 360's.

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