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Comment Re: TCO (Score 1) 341

Especially seeing as a government can and reasonable do so, demand that if a software companying refuses to support software already purchases it should by law be required to open up the source of that software so that it can be supported by others or warrant that the support is now finally free of all bugs and security flaws.

Lol. It would be interesting to see what the UK government would do with that source code..

Comment Re:I miss Scroogle :( (Score 1) 135

... would be akin to the patents office granting the US postal service a patent for the ability to scan and read al mail that passes through it's service on the claim that buying a stamp means you agreed to all the terms and conditions of service of the US postal service.

This is actually a solid business idea, extending what Google does with email to Snail mail. Just think about how much this could improve targeted mail (junk mail) by sharing keywords in your mail with advertisers. All that would be needed is technology to scan through paper envelopes.

Comment Re:Yeah (Score 1) 355

I know the medical profession has been using tablets long before the iPad came about, this is clearly because mobility is the greater advantage in many situations. In this situation the iPad becomes a mobile web browser or a thin-client to 'cloud' services.

Still, the PC is far better for typing with, printing with, and simply doing anything productive with. And even iPad consumers tend to switch to their desktop to buy things online, because the keyboard, mouse and screen experience is better. This is true for Linux, OSX and windows.

Comment Re:Yeah (Score 1) 355

Splitting Microsoft along business/consumer lines:

*WindowsDesktop (Profitable)

Profits for Windows Desktop are declining.

Declining would imply that sales were less than before. Last quarter sales were actually flat year on year.

*WindowsServer (Profitable)
*WindowsServerApplications (Profitable)
*WindowsCloud (Profitable)
*WindowsMouseAndKeyboardWhatnots (Profitable)

*Bing (Lossy)
*Xbox (BreakEvens)
*WindowsPhone (Lossy)
*WindowsTablets (Lossy)

I predict that MicrosoftConsumer would quickly cease trading in the wake of this split, leaving only Microsoft standing.

You missed a new profit center - Android Racketeering.

Lol yes, i thought of that after, i guess that would be accounted in the business division, amazingly i also forgot the MS office (productivity) which should also be accounted in the business division

Comment Re:Yeah (Score 1) 355

That's the legend, but lets not forget the reality that Microsoft didn't have luck entering the myriad of markets occupied by Adobe, Oracle remains highly successfully in its business. I'm sure there are plenty of other companies who are successfully competing with Microsoft!

Comment Re:Yeah (Score 4, Informative) 355

Splitting Microsoft along business/consumer lines:

*WindowsDesktop (Profitable)
*WindowsServer (Profitable)
*WindowsServerApplications (Profitable)
*WindowsCloud (Profitable)
*WindowsMouseAndKeyboardWhatnots (Profitable)

*Bing (Lossy)
*Xbox (BreakEvens)
*WindowsPhone (Lossy)
*WindowsTablets (Lossy)

I predict that MicrosoftConsumer would quickly cease trading in the wake of this split, leaving only Microsoft standing.

Submission + - Windows Phone users bloked from accessing Google maps (

Deviate_X writes: It’s unclear if Google is intentionally doing this or if it was an honest mistake but given that Google has stated they will not be building Windows Phone applications, is
screwing around with Windows Phone apps access to YouTube and is killing off EAS support for free Gmail accounts, it’s likely safe to say this was probably not an accident.

It’s unclear as to why Google has gone all anti-Microsoft as of recent but it may have to do with Microsoft turning the screws on Android vendors and forcing patent royalties to be paid for each device sold. Either way, the consumer is once again harmed as these two giants try to become the mobile alpha-dog.

You can still access maps via in desktop mode, but who knows how long that will last


Submission + - US Military signs modernisation deal with Microsoft (

Dupple writes: Insight Public Sector selected to deliver licensing agreement aimed at reducing IT costs while offering advanced mobility, collaboration and cloud computing capabilities to personnel.

In an effort to modernize technology infrastructure, reduce costs and foster new levels of cross-agency collaboration, the U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force and Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) are expanding access to Microsoft solutions by entering into a transformative three-year Joint Enterprise Licensing Agreement for enterprise licenses and software assurance. The agreement provides all three organizations with a single vehicle for accessing the latest Microsoft technologies in support of top IT priorities around datacenter consolidation, collaboration, cybersecurity, mobility, cloud computing and big data.

This is the most comprehensive licensing agreement Microsoft Corp. has ever established with the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), covering nearly 75 percent of all DoD personnel. The net new contract was awarded to Insight Public Sector, a division of Insight Enterprises Inc., one of the largest global Microsoft Large Account Resellers.

Comment Re: one of the biggest and most powerful companies (Score 1, Interesting) 235

Microsoft says it does not yet see a threat.

Isn't this what happened to Microsoft in the mobile/phone/tablet space? Now they are playing catch-up to both Google and Apple. Complacency is a dangerous copilot.

Google are a huge threat! Oglviy migrated all its users to "GMail", the employees really hate it vs proper exchange, outlook, office stack. But when a few massive companies like Oglviy migrate Google will improve to the point where they become more solid contenders.

Comment Re:There is a huge positive bias (Score 3, Interesting) 364

AJAX was created for Outlook web access (~1998): * * Outlook web access was later copied by Google tocreate Gmail (~2004). * Media bias caused Gmail and Google to be regarded as an innovator when infact the whole Ajax became recommended by the w3c in 2006 *

Comment Re:There is a huge positive bias (Score 2) 364

You the perfect example of error, you talk about microsoft implementing HTML5 perfectly while ignoring the fact that chrome, firefox, safari have implemented broken draft specification's of HTML5. It turns out that sites are breaking in IE because they are non-standard, but the same sites are "working" in other browsers.

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