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Submission + - Steam for Linux Beta Now Available (

SirTicksAlot writes: "Valve, creators of best-selling game franchises (such as Counter-Strike and Team Fortress) and leading technologies (such as Steam and Source), today announced the launch of a limited access beta for its new Steam for Linux client. Valve has announced today that it is currently targeting Ubuntu 12.04 but already there are stories of the Linux community already adapting Steam for other distributions. This is truly an exiting time for Open Source and gaming."

Submission + - Review of World Makerfaire 2012 NYC (

SirTicksAlot writes: "I attended World Makerfaire 2012 NYC this past weekend and wanted to share some of the highlights of the faire. Makerfaire is a gathering of smart and talented groups and individuals who share their love for making things. And there is nearly no limit as to what ideas or projects on display. There is no age limit or restriction and kids of all ages are encouraged to interact with everything they can. If you ever go to shows and see, "DO NOT TOUCH" you did not see that here. Touching, inspecting and learning is very much warranted. There were many stations where kids could learn to use tools, assemble things, and even learn to solder."

Submission + - Pop-up ad queen caught by the U.S. government, fined $163 million (

An anonymous reader writes: Fox Van Allen of Tecca, writes: "You've probably never heard the name Kristy Ross before, but we're willing to bet you're very familiar with her work. You may have even given her money. For the last five years (at least), Ross has been flooding the internet with pop-up ad after pop-up ad, all claiming that your computer — yes, yours specifically — is infected with viruses. That's illegal, and it turns out the law has finally caught up to her: The Federal Trade Commission has just fined Ross a staggering $163 million dollars for her crimes."

Submission + - Disney Adds A Bit Of Nonsensical Anti-Open Source FUD To Kid's Sitcom (

SirTicksAlot writes: "Walt Disney Corporation added a bit of nonsensical anti-open source FUD to a kid’s sitcom that it aired this past weekend. But the dialogue is so ridiculous that you have to wonder if they have any clue about what they are doing.

In an episode aired Friday on the Disney Channel, (YouTube Vid Here) the show Shake It Up features two teenagers who are begging the stereotypical geeky kid for help with a computer that has apparently gone down."

Comment Re:Microsoft Deserves It (Score 1) 364

You had me. You really did - until you mentioned, "but when you look at just how much hardware they support, and how well it works, ". While I agree that most, if not all hardware is designed to work and has drivers for windows, it is not Microsoft that is doing the 'supporting'. How much of that hardware would automatically install, activate, and provide every feature designed if it weren't for the drivers from the OEM. Why do you think all those printers, mice, cameras, biometrics, etc... come with a CD? The OEMs decide what to support, and they typically choose the most widely used. It used to be that everything came with a "designed for Windows" logo, even though they provided their own drivers and supporting software. You now see Mac logos included as well and rarely you see all three MS, Mac, and Linux.

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