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Comment Re:My feeds are pretty busy... (Score 3, Insightful) 210

Yes, I think only looking at public posts skews the results. The G+ customer is more likely to be there for the purpose of fine tuning their audience, both incoming and outgoing. I know that only maybe one in 10 of my posts is done as public. People who want to spray their thoughts and opinions at the widest possible audience gravitate toward... the widest possible audience!

If you want a bullhorn you go to Twitter, because that's not really what G+ is about. G+ is about friends and interest-communities, news with decent media embedding, and just generally having a much better S/N ratio than Facebook or Twitter.

Comment Re:What the fuck is this thing? (Score 1) 69

+1, sir, would that I could!

I remember learning x86 assembly after knowing 6502, 68000, and 68HC11 and wondering what it was the Intel engineers were smoking when they came up with not just the addressing scheme, but little-endian (don't get me started), and destination, source! More importantly, WHY that became the most popular architecture. It's like everything was upside-down and backwards of what I learned.

Though from what I've seen, ARM is little-endian and dest,src too, probably to appease people coming over from Intel.

Comment Re:Middle ages (Score 1) 196

I disagree. I have a couple of the new Ikea LEDARE bulbs and absolutely love them compared to every single CF I've ever tried. The color and brightness are perfect for the reading lamps I'm using them in. I bought the first one with great doubts, but was so impressed I bought the second one (which is responsible for my poll answer).

Comment Re:Not terribly surprising (Score 2) 306

I'd upvote you if I could. Calculus (and to a lesser extent, C) was what got me booted out of CS. I was dumbfounded at the time because I was a programming and electronics fiend my whole teenagerhood and figured I could take on the major, no-sweat. After failing Calc-2 no less than 5 times, I should have gotten the hint. Fortunately, I had a friend who was a major in Computer Engineering Technology -- basically embedded controls design and programming. Hardware design and programming the hardware in (mostly) assembly. And best of all, NO full-on Calc! There was a special sequence of applied math courses specifically for majors in the *ET family. I did well there. If only I had swallowed my pride earlier and admitted that there were things I just sucked at.

I learned later in life that my affinity for programming came from an aptitude for the synthesis of logic and _language_, not symbolism or numbers. My brain's just wired for one set of abstractions and not another. So be it.

Computer technology is a commonplace enough realm now for there to be a whole array of majors catering to all aptitudes and interests. Using generic CS as a metric has lost its accuracy. In fact, I think it's a major best reserved for purists who will eventually seek a more specific graduate degree or those who are knowingly undecided and will change to something more specific midway.

Comment Re:If it bother you that much (Score 1) 944

First off, I have both CF and incandescent fixtures in the bathroom (wife likes more light for makeup). If I wake up in the middle of the night to pee, I actually _prefer_ the CF warmup time so it's not so harsh going in there.

BUT: I've actually found myself leaving certain CF lights on continuously whereas I wouldn't have with incandescents, because the warmup time is such an inconvenience. No net savings there!

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