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Comment Re:"then women convert to afghanis, local currency (Score 1) 104

Hawala always provided the kind of money transfer services that cryptocurrencies are specifically designed for, so it's no surprise that they are in this game now.

As usual, though, this take on hawala focuses on drug trade, and completely ignores the fact that it's also the system used for routine long distance transfers between family members etc.

Comment Re: We no like competition. Waaah. (Score 1) 104

I love how it's mostly self-entitled Westerners who never had to deal with an oppressive government extolling the virtues of monetary regulation here.

Russians, meanwhile, lived through a default and a bunch of reforms that were borderline fraud (like the govt giving one weekend to exchange the old banknotes for the new). Ransomware is peanuts in comparison.

Comment Re:How do we balancer author / publisher / consume (Score 1) 92

A simple solution to this is to ditch copyright terms altogether, but tax copyright (and other forms of intellectual property) like we tax real estate. Then copyrights will only last for as long as sufficient profit can be made to sustain them, and content will fall into public domain immediately after.

Better yet, make the tax progressive over time, starting with zero for the first few years (to give author some time to market it), and then exponentially increasing. This would reflect the lost (to the commons) value of directly or indirectly derived works that would have being created if not for copyright restrictions - since every potential derived work would itself be the basis for more works, this value grows exponentially over time.

Comment Re:How do we balancer author / publisher / consume (Score 1) 92

Keep in mind that the "natural" price of a book is the cost of making a copy. The only reason why it's possible to charge significantly more than that is because of copyright, which is itself an artificial construct created by the government. As such, it can come with arbitrary strings attached, including "price fixing".

As far as having less choice - is that a real problem these days? If anything, we're drowning in content, especially once you include self-publishing. I read every day, and yet my reading queue has grown non-stop for the past decade or so, at an increasingly accelerating rate.

Comment Re:This would save a lot of time in the U.S. (Score 1) 79

Allow me to demonstrate, then.

Two days ago, you wrote - and I quote directly from your comment: "regardless of the fact that we are attacking your fundamental rights or limiting your fundamental rights, and the charter says that is wrong, we're still going to go ahead and do it".

Sounds like you hate freedom. Should you hang?

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